Drag and Drop Save


The current standard system of saving files from all applications should be replaced with a drag-and-drop mechanism combined with tracker windows.


While the current standard for most operating systems, the use of save dialogues can be considered an inconsistant design providing a seperate method for navigating the filesystem. The core uses for a save dialogue can be summarised as follows,

  1. Providing a filesystem browser
  2. Filtering displayed files to a specified type
  3. (Often) remembers last save location
  4. Target filename specification

However, many of the above uses can be filled through the system Tracker or extensions to Tracker. Hence, browsing and filtering can be handled trivially. It is proposed that Haiku drops support for save dialogues and instead uses a drag-and-drop method as standard, thus utilising the existing pervasive drag-and-drop mechanisms in the operating system in tandem with the Tracker.

In order to specify an application's current document filename the user could edit the window's titlebar. This however will not save a file directly, merely providing a mechanism by which to specify the final filename. After the filename has been specified the user will now be able to clickand-drag the window title onto any Tracker window thus specifying the target path in addition to the filename.

As a convenience measure the ability to recall the most recent save location can be handled at the application or system level, possibly by using an "Open Last Used Location" menu time which opens a Tracker window.


  • Does specifying the filename in the bar save? Changing the filename after saving copy the file? Move the file?
  • Is this more intuitive, and easier to use than current methods?
  • Keyboard control?
  • Takes longer to open a file manager window in the right location, switch back to the application and drag the icon. Method described in last paragraph could counter this.
  • Becomes more distant from the mainstream methods, creating an even steeper learning curve.
  • New (although something similar was used in RISCOS). Not tested, not known to be effective.