You might think that I took a short vacation, but I’ve just been buried in Real Life. You might also be wondering about where lessons 6-11 went. They’ll be published later, but you’re not missing anything, as they are edits of the last several lessons from Learning to Program with Haiku with an experienced developer in mind. If you’ve worked with the previous series, there isn’t anything in 6-11 that you haven’t seen before – they’re more to make the Programming with Haiku series complete on its own.
In an attempt to move on and get on to just the Haiku API, here are the final three lessons on C++. Lesson 3 introduces C++ file streams, formatting and printing using C++ streams, and lightly touches on exceptions. Lesson 4 takes a break from actual coding and spends time on a critical development tool: source control – what it is, how it is used, and why it is used. Lesson 5 ties together all of the C++ concepts covered in this series with a project.
Lesson #2 in my new series of development tutorials continues with a fast and furious course through the rest of the Standard Template Library with some of the Standard C++ library thrown in for spice. We learn about associative STL containers like map and set and examine the C++ string class.
Programming with Haiku, Lesson 2
This weekend was my second year at the Ohio LinuxFest at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in downtown Columbus, OH. I arrived at the convention center at about 7:15am. Unlike last year, there was hardly anyone there outside of the OLF staff doing checkin and a few vendors. Joe Prostko was already there, having stayed at a hotel nearby the night before. It was good to see him again. We started talked for a bit and then started getting the table set up.
Since I started publishing my Learning to Program with Haiku lesson series back in January, I have, on many occasions, seen comments asking for lessons aimed at current codemonkeys who want to break into development for Haiku. Here begins a new series of programming lessons aimed at people who already have a basic grasp on C++: Programming with Haiku.
The direction of the series is pretty straightforward. First, we’ll be spending some time (i.
The book is finally done! Getting through the proof copy took so much longer than I ever expected. Luckily, right now I’m out of town with a lot more time on my hands, so I had a lot more time to be able to sit down and get through it. It has been published through so that a great deal more of the profit from the book goes to me instead of the pockets of a book retailer.
This lesson finishes up the project that the last two have been about: HaikuFortune, a program which randomly chooses and displays a fortune in a window. It’s not a very complicated one, but it exemplifies a reasonably well-coded real-world project. Although it was code complete as of the end of Lesson 22, it was not finished, missing icons and other resources. This concludes the project with adding resources, a basic discussion on source code licensing, and packaging a program for Haiku.
Usability is one of my pet topics. Although less so now that in years past, it is all-too-often ignored or not given enough priority. This lesson scratches the surface from a developer’s point of view. I’m no usability expert, but I do know a thing or two. This lesson is a must-read for any budding developer, and by the end of it, we will have a good real-world program to show off which is just shy of being ready for a release.
This lesson continues with delving into the Storage Kit, reading and writing files. We also start writing code for the final project of the Learning to Program With Haiku series which will be developed over the course of several lessons.
Learning to Program With Haiku, Lesson 21
Moving on from exploring the Interface Kit, we turn our attention to the Storage Kit in this lesson. We take a look at the kit from a broad perspective and also begin using some of its many of the classes. We take a break from writing GUI applications and, instead, write a console directory-listing program using C++.
Learning to Program With Haiku, Lesson 20 Source Code: