GSoC Introduction: OpenJDK port
My Google Summer of Code project for this year is to provide a complete port of OpenJDK 7 to Haiku. Over the past few months I've been working on putting together a bootstrapping environment for building OpenJDK on Haiku, and porting the virtual machine and core libraries. Over the summer I hope to bring the port to a mostly-complete state by adding support for AWT, Java2d and jsound. This will allow Swing and AWT-based applications to run on Haiku. Here is an outline of my plans:
Community bonding period
- Continue to work on getting the virtual machine and core libraries self-hosting.
- Eradicate as many bugs as possible from the virtual machine and core libraries to give me a stable base to work from.
- Familiarise myself with Bryan Varner and Andrew Bachmann's AWT/Java2d code from their Java 1.4.2 port, and see what needs to be done to update it to the OpenJDK 7 codebase.
- Update the existing AWT/J2d port to the OpenJDK 7 codebase and implement the missing functionality.
- Write a jsound port using the Media and MIDI kits.
- Get my work uploaded to the Haiku port project at OpenJDK to make it more official.
- Create a Haiku look & feel for Swing.
- Merge in the updates from the jdk7u project.