Using an IDE

Live Code Analysis

While developing the Haiku codebase, it is possible to generate an inventory of compile commands by passing the -c flag to jam. The resulting compile_commands.json document will assist tools such as clangd in live analyzing our source code.

Generating the compile_commands.json for clangd:
$ mkdir generated.clangd && cd generated.clangd
$ configure --build-cross-tools x86_64 --cross-tools-source ../../buildtools
$ jam -anc @nightly-anyboot
$ ln -sr compile_commands.json ../compile_commands.json

When you use an editor which supports clangd such as helix or vim (with the clangd plugin), clangd will have knowledge of the relevant include paths and build flags for every source file within the Haiku codebase.


When new source code files are added, you will need to run though the process above for a complete database.