Issue 3-31, August 5, 1998

Be Engineering Insights: "Threads Don't Like Playing Ping Pong," Part II

By Pierre Raynaud-Richard

Last week, in the first part of this article Be Engineering Insights: "Threads Don't Like Playing Ping Pong," Part I (which we strongly encourage you to read or read again before pursuing), we started studying the behavior of various systems of threads sharing a critical section through two different locking mechanisms: semaphores (TEST 1—An Ideal World), and benaphores (TEST 2—An Idealer World).

We then discovered that when two of those threads are in fair competition, a lot of unnecessary context switches are generated (TEST 3 -- A Small Dose of Reality) as threads exchange control of the CPU continuously (that's what we call playing ping pong), and benaphores lose most of their advantage (TEST 4—The Benaphore Curiosity). This ping pong game clearly affected the efficiency of the code, but as all tests were done in an ideal world (those threads were the only serious CPU cycles consumers), the speed hit was only in the range of 1.4 to 2.5 times slower.

In this second article, we now try to come closer to reality by adding more noise (more CPU cycles consumers) in our test environment, but in a controlled fashion that gives us a chance to still understand what's really happening.

TEST 5—Introducing the Dummy

It's time to introduce our third player, the dummy thread. Its only goal in life is to stay around and use whatever CPU cycles are available, if any. It never executes the same critical section as the other threads, so it never conflicts with them: it's just an independent CPU cycles consumer.

As in test 1, we have a single B_NORMAL_PRIORITY thread passing through a semaphore. To disturb the environment a little, we introduce an unrelated B_LOW_PRIORY "dummy" thread. This dummy thread doesn't contend for the semaphore, and it's running at a lower priority, so it shouldn't really affect the graph of our "real" thread. Right?

-------------One thread with dummy, semaphore, locking-------------

32768|    A
     |    A
16384|   AA
     .   ..
 4096|   AA
     |  AAA
     .  ...
   64|  AAA   B
     |  AAA   B
   32|  AAA  BBBB
     |  AAA  BBBB
   16|  AAA  BBBBB
     |  AAA  BBBBB
    8|  AAA  BBBBB           C
     |  AAA  BBBBB           C                              D
    4|  AAA BBBBBB           CC                             D
     |  AAA BBBBBB           CC                             D
    2|  AAAABBBBBBB #        CC                             D   #
     |  AAAABBBBBBB ##    # CCCC    #   #        #          DD  #
      0       8       16      32         512     1024    2048    4096

And we're not disappointed. The main spike and "echoes" are almost identical to those in test 1 (A:99.64% & 3.54us; B:0.31% & 8.62us; C:0.02% & 30.68us).

The only small difference (D) is the appearance of an infrequent (0.01%) hit at about 3020us. This represents the dummy thread that's being scheduled for the full 3000us scheduler quanta.

Analogously, the unlocking graph (not shown) looks nearly identical to the unlocking graph in test 1, but with the addition of an infrequent 3020us hit. So in the case of a single thread, adding an unrelated low priority thread doesn't significantly disturb the system, which is just what we hoped for.

TEST 6—We Go to Hell

Now let's add a second real thread to contend for the semaphore. Just as test 5 was similar to test 1, here we hope to see results similar to test 3 (two threads with no dummy), with the additional infrequent 3020us hit.

-------------Two threads with dummy, semaphore, locking-------------

   |        A
512|        A
   .        .
   |        A                                          B
 64|        AA                                         B
   |        AA                                         B
 32|        AA                                        BB
   |        AA                                        BB       C
 16|        AA                                        BB       C
   |       AAA                             D          BB       C
  8|       AAA                           DDD          BB       C
   |       AAA                           DDD         BBB   #   C
  4|       AAA                           DDD        BBBB   #   C #  #
   |       AAA                          DDDD        BBBB  ##   C #  #
  2|       AAA       ##               DDDDDD        BBBB  ##   C #  ##
   |       AAA   #  ### #      # ## DDDDDDDDD   # BBBBBBB ##  CCC#  ##
    0   16          128     256     512     1024    2048    4096    8192

Holy moly, what the hell happened? We wanted order—we got a mess. Not only are the spikes all over the place, but there aren't enough samples. Until now, we'd been getting on the order of 100,000 samples per test. This time we only got about 2,000 (1,000 per thread).

Rather than analyze the spikes, let's look at this test from the CPU's perspective. We see that in the tests without the dummy thread, a single real thread spends about 45% of its time in the critical section--the rest is used for locking. With two real threads and no dummy, the "real work" percentage drops to 34% because of the additional context switch overhead. But with two threads and a dummy, the real work plummets to 1.5%!

Now let's consider what happens when the scheduler runs. Here's what it sees:

  • one B_NORMAL_PRIORITY thread is blocked (it can't be rescheduled).

  • the other B_NORMAL_PRIORITY thread is ready to run.

  • the dummy B_LOW_PRIORITY thread is (always) ready to run.

Most of the time, the scheduler chooses the available normal priority thread, which runs through the critical section and blocks soon after, causing the scheduler to run again. This doesn't take long—as we've seen, it takes less than 13us.

Less often, the scheduler will choose the low priority thread. Since this thread has nothing to block it, it uses up the entire 3000us scheduling quanta. In other words, although the low priority thread is chosen much less often, it runs more than 200 times *longer* than the high priority threads.


Here we are in the middle of Act II. There are two bloody threads on the floor and it looks like the dummy did it. Or was it the kernel scheduler?

No, it's not the scheduler's fault. The scheduler only guarantees that a thread of higher priority will be *scheduled* more often than a thread of lower priority as long as they are both ready to run. It can't guarantee that the higher priority thread will *run* longer than the low priority thread. If the higher priority thread is "stupid" enough to block itself quickly, it will starve, higher priority or not. That's exactly what happened in this case.

In some cases, you can avoid this starvation problem by staying in the critical section as long as you can—as long as is fair to other competing threads. Let's try it and see what happens.

TEST 7—We're Rescued

This is similar to test 6 (two real threads, one dummy), but now the loop looks like this:

while (true) {
    if (atomic_add(&g_lock, 1) > 0)
    max = system_time()+KEEP_IT_DELAY;
    while (system_time() < max);
    if (atomic_add(&g_lock, -1) > 1)

We set KEEP_IT_DELAY to 2000us, a little less than the standard scheduler quanta. In other words, once the thread get the ownership of the critical section, it keeps using it longer than in the previous tests. Also notice that we're using a benaphore in this test.

Furthermore, the test will record the latency for each execution of the do_critical_section() function, and not only once between each pair of locking and unlocking. For consistency with the other graph, we timed the do while() loop mechanism as an equivalent of locking/unlocking, even if it's not really the case, so we expect to get a lot of hits close from 0 latency.

-------------Two threads with dummy, benaphore, locking-------------
  128|AA             B
     ...             .
   32|AA             B         C
     ...             .         .
    4|AA   D         B   #     C
     |AA   DD        BB  #     C
    2|AA   DD        BB  #  ###C     #
     |AA   DD        BBBB# ####C # # #
      0       8       2048    4096    8192

We notice two things immediately: we got our 100,000 samples back (don't forget that there is twice as many samples that what we see here, as we have two working threads), and the latency is drastically improved.

  • (A) This is a count of the inner loop iterations that ran during the 2000us "free time." It's close to 0, as we predicted. The probability is extremely high (99.65%) but mostly that's because we're counting the calls to do_critical_section() rather than the real entire critical section (this wouldn't be an unfair count—but it's no longer cogent for comparison to the other tests).

  • (B) This is the ping pong case. The latency (2036us) is about what we expect; it signifies that this thread is blocked waiting for the other real thread to eat up its 2000us worth of scheduler quanta.

  • (C) This latency, at about 5000us is what happens when the thread has to wait for both the other real thread AND the dummy thread. The frequency is less than the one of B, which means that the dummy runs less often than the real threads, as expected.

  • (D) "scheduler echo" for A.

But the real test is the CPU usage. Here we see that 73% of the global CPU time is spent doing real work. This is an overly-idealized number, since our inner loop is unrealistically efficient (it can ALWAYS consume the entire 2000us that we give it).

TEST 8—Apples and Oranges

How much you actually gain by using the "saturate the quanta" solution compared to the plain, one-lock/one-inner loop method depends on the duration of the inner loop. Here are some measurements comparing the semaphore, benaphore, and benaphore+saturation methods for two normal priority threads, with and without a low priority dummy thread, for various length of the inner loop in microseconds (column "Duration"). The numbers in the body of the table is the fraction (in percent) of the CPU time really used for processing of the do_critical_section() function:

Without the dummy thread (ideal case):

Duration :   semaphore     benaphore    saturation
  0.289us      2.538         5.556        34.814
  0.963us      8.428        11.457        64.997
  6.113us     34.844        36.110        89.796
 58.029us     81.598        81.635        97.564
580.736us     96.576        96.925        98.841

As we would expect, the methods converge as the inner loop gets longer. And the benaphore shows that it really is better than a semaphore even when the threads are playing ping pong.

With the dummy thread (more realistic case):

Duration :   semaphore     benaphore    benaphore+saturation
  0.289us      0.077         0.081        29.781
  0.963us      0.244         0.255        55.830
  6.113us      1.585         1.891        73.439
 58.029us     14.316        14.913        81.629
580.736us     63.184        61.326        84.439

Here we see the advantage of the saturation method even with a long inner loop. Also, notice that the benaphore is still slightly more efficient than the semaphore.


The problem we identified (and fixed!) in the app server is exactly what we've been pointing out here. The names have been changed (our real threads were running at B_DISPLAY_PRIORITY and the "dummies" at B_NORMAL_PRIORITY), but the behaviour was the same.

And please, don't have any illusions about the numbers and statistics given in this article. The tests were run in unrealistically ideal circumstances: The system noise was reduced to a very low level, we never used more than three threads and one lock, and the memory system of the machine was not stressed at all. Real life is, of course, very very different.

But beyond the numbers, this article pointed out some general tendencies about the dynamics of synchronization systems, some problems that can occur and some of the bad side-effects they can generate.

We won't pretend that this was all-inclusive (we didn't even speak about a multiple-reader/ one-writer mechanism for example) or perfectly accurate, but we hope that it will give you hints about how to design more efficient and more stress-proof synchronization mechanisms. Luckily enough, most of you will never have to care about such issues. As for the other ones, please remember at least one thing:

"Threads don't like to play ping pong."

Post Script: For those who followed everything carefully, here's a puzzle for you: What test configuration is this locking graph coming from?

512|        A
   |        AA
256|        AA
   |        AA
128|    B   AA                                             C
   |    B   AA                                             C
 64|    B   AA                                             C
   |   BB   AA                                            CC
 32|   BB   AA                                            CC
   |   BB   AA                                            CC       D
 16|   BB   AA                                            CC       D
   |   BB   AA                                 #         CCC       D
  8|  BBB   AA                                ##         CCC       D
   |  BBB   AA                                ##         CCC   #   D
  4|  BBB   AAA                              ####        CCC  ##   D
   |  BBB   AAA            #                 ####        CCC  ##  DD #
  2|  BBB   AAA      #  #  #            #  # ####       CCCC ### DDD #   #
   |  BBB   AAA      #  #  #       ### ###########  ##  CCCCC###DDDD #  ####
    0           32      64      128     256     512     1024    2048    4096

Developers' Workshop: BeOS Programming Basics, Part 5

By Eric Shepherd

Before we begin, you should read the first four parts of this series, since this article continues our ongoing text editor project. These can be found at the following URLs:

Developers' Workshop: BeOS Programming Basics: Part 1
Developers' Workshop: BeOS Programming Basics, Part 2
Developers' Workshop: BeOS Programming Basics: Part 3
Developers' Workshop: BeOS Programming Basics: Part 4

For the sake of our mail server, I won't be including the entire source code in these articles anymore. You can download the source code for this week's project from the Be FTP site:

Now that you're caught up, and have this week's source code, let's get started. Note that the TextApp and TextWindow classes and their related functions have been separated into two source files, and that there are now separate header files for each class. This makes it easier to follow the code.

This week, we'll add open and save file panels to our text editor, along with the code needed to actually save and load document files.

Look at the TextApp.h file, in the TextApp class definition. There are a few new items in here: a RefsReceived() function, which is a standard member of the BApplication class; and the BFilePanel pointer, which will be used for the open document panel.

The TextApp constructor now includes the following line, which creates the open file panel (the panel isn't made visible, it's just created):

openPanel = new BFilePanel;

Note also that the windowRect is now a global variable and is no longer messed around with in TextApp's constructor. Since you can now create documents from multiple sources, we need more flexibility with this rectangle, so it can't remain local. The WINDOW_REGISTRY_ADD handler in TextApp::MessageReceived() has changed so that a reply is always sent (instead of just when the window is untitled, and the reply includes a new B_RECT_TYPE field, rect, that specifies the frame rectangle to use for the new window.

MessageReceived() has one addition to the switch statement that dispatches messages:


When the Open option is selected from a window's File menu, the request is dispatched here, to the TextApp::MessageReceived() function (we'll show how that's done when we get to it). This makes the open file panel visible, so the user can choose a file (or files) to open.

The TextApp::RefsReceived() function receives as an argument a pointer to a message that indicates what file or files should be opened. This message contains a single field, refs, which contains one or more entry_ref structures, each indicating a file to open.

RefsReceived() is called whenever a user selects files to open in a file panel, drags files onto the application's icon, or double-clicks them in the Tracker.

The code is fairly simple. A do loop iterates through all the items in the refs list until an error occurs and the loop ends. For each entry_ref found, a new window is created:

new TextWindow(windowRect, &ref);

This uses a new TextWindow constructor that accepts an additional argument—an entry_ref indicating what file to load up into the window.

Let's look at the changes to the TextWindow class, starting with the class itself:

class TextWindow : public BWindow {
    TextWindow(BRect frame);
    TextWindow(BRect frame, entry_ref *ref);
    virtual bool  QuitRequested();
    virtual void  MessageReceived(BMessage *message);
    virtual void  FrameResized(float width, float height);

    status_t  Save(BMessage *message);

    void    _InitWindow(void);
    void    Register(bool need_id);
    void    Unregister(void);

    BMenuBar     *menubar;
    BTextView    *textview;
    BScrollView  *scrollview;
    BMenuItem    *saveitem;
    BMessage     *savemessage;
    int32        window_id;

    BFilePanel   *savePanel;

There's a lot of new stuff in here, including the second TextWindow constructor, the private _InitWindow() function, and the saveitem, savemessage, window_id, and savePanel fields.

The _InitWindow() function (take a look, don't be shy) now handles most of the user interface setup for a new window. This lets us consolidate the code that's shared by both versions of the TextWindow constructor. The first constructor now calls _InitWindow() and Show() to set up the window and make it visible.

The second constructor is called when the new window needs to have a file loaded into it. _InitWindow() is called to create the window, then the BFile object, file, is set to the entry_ref of the file to open. If that succeeds, we can read in the file by getting its length (via the BFile::GetSize() call), allocating enough memory to contain the file's data, and reading the file into the newly allocated block.

A little trick follows that will make more sense later: we create a B_SAVE_REQUESTED message referring to this file. This is the message that's sent to the TextWindow::MessageReceived() function when it's time to save the file, and is how we keep track of where the file is located on disk. This message contains an entry_ref named directory that indicates the directory in which the file is located, and a string called name that shows the name of the file itself. This message is kept in the savemessage field of the TextWindow object.

Finally, we use BTextView::SetText() to set the window's text, set its title to the name of the file, and then free the allocated text buffer, before showing the window and returning. Once this is done, a new document window is created, with the name of the file that's been opened; the text in the window is the contents of the file. The window won't be visible until it's un-Minimize()d, as described below.

The _InitWindow() function's code is mostly the same as the user interface setup code from Part 4's TextWindow constructor, with these exceptions:

First, the following line is added so we know there isn't currently a savemessage available (which means the file has never been saved, and wasn't loaded from disk, so we don't know where to save it without asking the user):

savemessage = NULL;  // No saved path yet

Second, the File menu's Open item's target is changed to point to the TextApp object, so it will handle the open requests:

menu->AddItem(item=new BMenuItem("Open" B_UTF8_ELLIPSIS,
  new BMessage(MENU_FILE_OPEN), 'O'));

Third, the Save option is disabled, since, by default, the document doesn't have any information available on where it should be saved (i.e., there isn't a savemessage):

menu->AddItem(saveitem=new BMenuItem("Save",
  new BMessage(MENU_FILE_SAVE), 'S'));

Note that we keep a pointer to the Save item, so we can enable it later when the document has been saved for the first time using the Save as option.

Fourth, to support the Undo option, we add the following line:


Fifth, we need to create the Edit menu and populate it with the options we want. This is similar to adding the File menu. Each item is added, and its target is set to be the BTextView, so the text view can handle the commands Undo, Cut, Copy, Paste, and Select All.

Sixth, the savePanel needs to be created. This is a B_SAVE_PANEL type BFilePanel object:

savePanel = new BFilePanel(B_SAVE_PANEL,
  new BMessenger(this), NULL, B_FILE_NODE, false);

The target for messages sent by the file panel is the TextWindow, so the TextWindow::MessageReceived() function needs to be augmented to handle them.

Finally, _InitWindow() calls Minimize() to minimize the new window. This is a nifty trick that means that even when BWindow::Show() is called, the window won't appear on screen, because it's minimized. This lets us play around with the window's title, position, and size before making the window visible. We have to Show() the window to do these things, because it won't receive any messages until it's shown, and we have to receive the WINDOW_REGISTRY_ADDED message so we know what name and position to use for the new window. Show() is called by the constructors, so it's not included in _InitWindow().

The TextWindow destructor has been augmented to delete the savemessage (if it exists) and the savePanel.

The MessageReceived() function has been augmented as follows:

The WINDOW_REGISTRY_ADDED handler has been changed so that the window's title is set to "Untitled #" only if there isn't a savemessage attached; this lets the name we've specified when opening a new document actually stick (otherwise all windows would be given the name "Untitled#").

In addition, the rect parameter is checked, and if it exists, the window is repositioned to occupy the area of the screen indicated. The registry then determines where each window should be drawn. This allows easy custom window placement later (for instance, the current code doesn't handle the possibility that eventually you'll have enough windows that they'll wind up off screen—you should be able to fix this easily by correcting the WINDOW_REGISTRY_ADD code in the TextApp class. I'll leave that as an exercise).

Handlers have also been added for the MENU_FILE_SAVEAS, MENU_FILE_SAVE, and B_SAVE_REQUESTED commands. The BFilePanel is shown when MENU_FILE_SAVEAS is received. When MENU_FILE_SAVE is received, the Save() function, which we'll examine next, is called, with a NULL argument passed. This indicates to Save() that the savemessage already attached to the TextWindow should be used to determine where to save the file. B_SAVE_REQUESTED, indicates that the document should be saved at the location specified by the message, which is passed through to Save().

The Save() function handles saving the document's text. When we opened the file, we used a BFile object to handle the file access. Here, just to show that it can be done, we'll use standard POSIX file commands.

Save() accepts a single argument: a pointer to a BMessage that should be formatted in B_SAVE_REQUESTED style, indicating where to save the file. If NULL is specified, the savemessage field in the TextWindow will be used.

Save() begins by checking to be sure that if NULL is specified, the savemessage has actually been initialized. If it hasn't been, B_ERROR is returned.

Then the entry_ref of the save directory and the name of the file to be saved are peeled out of the message. A BEntry is set to the save directory, and BEntry::GetPath() is called to obtain a BPath object representing that directory. BPath::Append() is then called to append the filename to the path.

Now that we have a BPath representing the location of the file to be saved, we call fopen() to open the file—the path name, as a standard string, is extracted by calling BPath::Path().

Then we just use standard POSIX file I/O calls to write the file and close it:

err = fwrite(textview->Text(), 1, textview->TextLength(), f);

The BTextView::Text() function returns the contents of the BTextView, and BTextView::TextLength() returns the size of the text in bytes.

If the write was successful, the window's title is set to the document name (in case it's been changed), the Save item in the File menu is enabled, and the savemessage is changed to indicate the new location of the file by deleting the existing message (if there is one) and replacing the pointer with a pointer to the message passed to Save(). If the original message and the new message are the same, this is unnecessary (and dangerous) so we don't do it.

That's all for this time. This application is essentially complete; you might want to add code to present alerts to the user if an error occurs (errors are, currently, blissfully ignored). Check out the BAlert class in the Be Developer's Guide. Try to fix the registry to guarantee that windows will always appear on screen, instead of eventually disappearing off the bottom-right corner.

Next time, we'll start a new project, focusing on areas of the BeOS we haven't investigated yet (there are plenty of them!).

Relationships vs. Transactions

By Jean-Louis Gassée

This week's topic suggested itself as I was attempting to reorganize my e-mail inbox. We regularly get requests for two items: a downloadable version of the BeOS for Intel Architecture processors, and a trial version of the BeOS. I hope my discussion of these two topics will shed some light on what I mean by "Relationships vs. Transactions."

Let me start with the first item. Why don't we have a downloadable version of the IA (Intel Architecture) BeOS? Are we deaf or blind to what our customers want? Wouldn't it make more sense for would-Be users and for Be to deliver the BeOS electronically? Why acquire StarCode and chant the merits of SoftwareValet technology, why invest in e-commerce and not offer an Intel download similar to the PowerPC download?

Similar is the operative word. Dated is another—our PowerPC download is not current. There isn't a version of the BeOS for G3 machines, because Apple declined to supply us with the technical data required to make sure the BeOS works on their new hardware. For our part, we declined to engage in arguments. It's their right to withhold such information and, in any case, we assume they're busy enough turning the ship around, with good results lately.

But that's no excuse for the lack of a PC download. Let's take another look at the facts. First, assuming you don't already have partitioning and boot manager software, you would have to download site preparation software and run it—that is, create a partition for the BeOS and install a boot manager.

Then, using your Windows browser, you'd have to download the BeOS and another Windows application that would take the BeOS download in your Windows partition and write it onto the BeOS partition you just created. Finally, you'd tell the boot manager the BeOS has landed and you're in business.

Contrast this with the current physical distribution method for the BeOS. You get two CDs and one floppy. One CD is for the PowerPC version of 3.1; it works on older, pre-G3 PowerPCs. The other is for the Intel-based 3.1; it contains Windows partitioning tools and BeOS files.

Once you've partitioned your hard disk, the floppy boots you into the BeOS. From that point installation proceeds from the CD onto the BeOS partition, without having to be stored in the Windows partition first before being transferred into the BeOS space.

We realize that the industry has already moved into a phase where software is increasingly available in a downloadable form. This creates an entirely normal expectation of being able to download the BeOS, just as you can the latest version of Netscape Communicator or the "free" version of Outlook 98.

What this expectation omits is the fact these products are downloaded from Windows for Windows. In our case, we have to download from Windows and install in a different world. Now add two more complications: partitioning and hardware support. In our constantly recalculated opinion, this makes the risk of starting our relationship with a bad experience too great.

You'll recall some of the humbling stories I've told here, such as the time one of our investors, and member of our board of directors, saw the data on his spouse's PC disappear because of a problem involving the switch between Windows FAT 16 and FAT 32 files systems. It's not that we wouldn't love the broader reach and higher volume of e-commerce transactions we'd generate if the BeOS were delivered electronically today. But...we don't think we've developed the knowledge and tools to meet the standards and expectations created by the now customary practice of downloading and installing into the same environment.

Looping back to the apparent inconsistency in our behavior—promoting e-commerce but not offering a BeOS for Intel download -- Software Valet does indeed promote the positive experience of downloading and installing into the same environment, once you've installed the BeOS. I'm aware that this may make our explanation of the situation sound flimsy. Frustration at being unable to download the BeOS resurfaces, because instant access is such a simple, powerful idea that it won't go away; we can brush it off, but it keeps coming back.

All I can say for now is that we're very aware of that and feel bad about not offering more than the explanation of our calculus of risk vs. reward. We apologize for the frustration and we hope to offer a simpler, safer solution in the future.

Which brings me to the trial version. "The Intel version isn't available for download and, compounding your problems, you have the nerve to ask people to buy your BeOS, sight unseen, without offering a trial version." Add or subtract a few choice words, that's how some correspondents question our personal or corporate sanity.

This is a little easier to explain—I mean answer. Please buy the product and return it for a full refund if you're not satisfied, no questions asked. We believe demands for a trial version to be entirely justified. Unfortunately, we don't have a solution today, but we can get around the problem with our offer of a straight refund.

The absence of a trial version isn't the only reason for the refund offer: We can't afford even one unhappy customer. In our business, word-of-mouth is still the most potent marketing weapon. At the very least, we want someone who tries the BeOS to say, "Well, it wasn't for me, but the Be folks treated me decently." At the very best, we want this pioneer to buttonhole others and persuade them to share his bliss. So, our offer of a refund would hold even if we had a trial version—or perhaps I should say *when* we have a trial version.

We'd like to do just that. PCs have been bootable from the now standard CD-ROM drive for awhile, and we're wondering if it would be a good idea to put together a version of the BeOS that boots from the CD-ROM. This has many built-in limitations, starting with performance. On the other hand, it requires no alteration of your hard disk, no partitioning, no boot manager. To be continued when we have more data.

In any event, we have another motivation to do better than provide logical but sometimes frustrating explanations—the threat of silence. By this I refer to a simple fact: arguments keep us alive, silence kills. I don't say this just because I was born and raised in Paris, where cab drivers and café waiters love to argue about anything.

No, what I mean is this—as long our beloved customer complains, argues, and otherwise seeks to alter our behavior, she or he is doing us two favors. First, we get a chance to put the relationship back on track and, second, we get an earful of information we can put to good use in other transactions. When the customer doesn't even bother to tell us what's wrong, we're dead—we have no information and no opportunity to apologize and correct a problem.

To all our honorable correspondents who care enough and hold us in high enough regard to offer energetic feedback, thank you. To the others who think we don't care or can't do anything about their problem, thank you for reconsidering and giving us a chance to do the right thing.

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