
How does the community work? If you are intrested in finding out how the community is run, who is behind the project and what are the projects values, then look no further.

Our User Groups

This page lists links to Haiku User Groups (HUG) and to third-party Haiku-related sites that make up the wider Haiku community ecosystem. See at the bottom of the page if you would like to have your Haiku-related site added to that page.

Community Policies

The standards that govern the Haiku community are similar to the Unwritten Constitutions that govern some countries, where their constitution simply acts as an aggregation of other laws, rather than a standalone constitution. The policies of the HaikuProject are listed in aggregation on this policy page for easy reference.

Organisational Governance

Although day to day decision making and the direction of Haiku development are made on the mailing lists as a community, the community could not exist without organisations to act as the driving force behind project.

Community Initiatives

The HaikuProject is proud to work with other organisations on social initiatives to get more young people involved in the open source community.

Haiku Distribution Guidelines

The Haiku project believes that having one distribution (the one officially released by the project) is the best long term strategy to ensure success of the platform. Therefore anyone considering creating a new distribution should think long and hard before doing so. The project is very interested in working with anyone who feels they need a new distribution to add what they need to Haiku itself.

Funding and donations

The Haiku project needs financial support. There are various ways to donate money for different purposes.