This is the complete list of members for BChannelSlider, including all inherited members.
AddChild(BView *child, BView *before=NULL) | BView | |
AddChild(BLayoutItem *child) | BView | |
AddFilter(BMessageFilter *filter) | BHandler | virtual |
AddLine(BPoint start, BPoint end, rgb_color color) | BView | |
AdoptParentColors() | BView | |
AdoptSystemColors() | BView | |
AdoptViewColors(BView *view) | BView | |
AllArchived(BMessage *archive) const | BView | virtual |
AllAttached() | BChannelSlider | virtual |
AllDetached() | BChannelSlider | virtual |
AllUnarchived(const BMessage *archive) | BView | virtual |
AppendToPicture(BPicture *a_picture) | BView | |
Archive(BMessage *into, bool deep=true) const | BChannelSlider | virtual |
AttachedToWindow() | BChannelSlider | virtual |
BArchivable(BMessage *from) | BArchivable | |
BArchivable() | BArchivable | |
BChannelControl(BRect frame, const char *name, const char *label, BMessage *model, int32 channelCount=1, uint32 resizingMode=B_FOLLOW_LEFT_TOP, uint32 flags=B_WILL_DRAW) | BChannelControl | |
BChannelControl(const char *name, const char *label, BMessage *model, int32 channelCount=1, uint32 flags=B_WILL_DRAW) | BChannelControl | |
BChannelControl(BMessage *archive) | BChannelControl | |
BChannelSlider(BRect area, const char *name, const char *label, BMessage *message, int32 channels=1, uint32 resizeMode=B_FOLLOW_LEFT_TOP, uint32 flags=B_WILL_DRAW) | BChannelSlider | |
BChannelSlider(BRect area, const char *name, const char *label, BMessage *message, orientation orientation, int32 channels=1, uint32 resizeMode=B_FOLLOW_LEFT_TOP, uint32 flags=B_WILL_DRAW) | BChannelSlider | |
BChannelSlider(const char *name, const char *label, BMessage *message, orientation orientation, int32 channels=1, uint32 flags=B_WILL_DRAW) | BChannelSlider | |
BChannelSlider(BMessage *archive) | BChannelSlider | |
BControl(BRect frame, const char *name, const char *label, BMessage *message, uint32 resizingMode, uint32 flags) | BControl | |
BControl(const char *name, const char *label, BMessage *message, uint32 flags) | BControl | |
BControl(BMessage *data) | BControl | |
BeginInvokeNotify(uint32 kind=B_CONTROL_INVOKED) | BInvoker | protected |
BeginLayer(uint8 opacity) | BView | |
BeginLineArray(int32 count) | BView | |
BeginPicture(BPicture *a_picture) | BView | |
BeginRectTracking(BRect startRect, uint32 style=B_TRACK_WHOLE_RECT) | BView | |
BHandler(const char *name=NULL) | BHandler | |
BHandler(BMessage *data) | BHandler | |
BInvoker() | BInvoker | |
BInvoker(BMessage *message, const BHandler *handler, const BLooper *looper=NULL) | BInvoker | |
BInvoker(BMessage *message, BMessenger target) | BInvoker | |
Bounds() const | BView | |
BView(const char *name, uint32 flags, BLayout *layout=NULL) | BView | |
BView(BRect frame, const char *name, uint32 resizingMode, uint32 flags) | BView | |
BView(BMessage *archive) | BView | |
ChildAt(int32 index) const | BView | |
ClearViewBitmap() | BView | |
ClearViewOverlay() | BView | |
ClipToInversePicture(BPicture *picture, BPoint where=B_ORIGIN, bool sync=true) | BView | |
ClipToInverseRect(BRect rect) | BView | |
ClipToInverseShape(BShape *shape) | BView | |
ClipToPicture(BPicture *picture, BPoint where=B_ORIGIN, bool sync=true) | BView | |
ClipToRect(BRect rect) | BView | |
ClipToShape(BShape *shape) | BView | |
Command() const | BInvoker | |
ConstrainClippingRegion(BRegion *region) | BView | virtual |
ConvertFromParent(BPoint *point) const | BView | |
ConvertFromParent(BPoint point) const | BView | |
ConvertFromParent(BRect *rect) const | BView | |
ConvertFromParent(BRect rect) const | BView | |
ConvertFromScreen(BPoint *point) const | BView | |
ConvertFromScreen(BPoint point) const | BView | |
ConvertFromScreen(BRect *rect) const | BView | |
ConvertFromScreen(BRect rect) const | BView | |
ConvertToParent(BPoint *point) const | BView | |
ConvertToParent(BPoint point) const | BView | |
ConvertToParent(BRect *rect) const | BView | |
ConvertToParent(BRect rect) const | BView | |
ConvertToScreen(BPoint *point) const | BView | |
ConvertToScreen(BPoint point) const | BView | |
ConvertToScreen(BRect *rect) const | BView | |
ConvertToScreen(BRect rect) const | BView | |
CopyBits(BRect src, BRect dst) | BView | |
CountChannels() const | BChannelControl | virtual |
CountChildren() const | BView | |
CurrentChannel() const | BChannelControl | |
DelayedInvalidate(bigtime_t delay) | BView | |
DelayedInvalidate(bigtime_t delay, BRect invalRect) | BView | |
DetachedFromWindow() | BChannelSlider | virtual |
DisableLayoutInvalidation() | BView | |
DoLayout() | BView | protectedvirtual |
DragMessage(BMessage *message, BRect dragRect, BHandler *replyTo=NULL) | BView | |
DragMessage(BMessage *message, BBitmap *bitmap, BPoint offset, BHandler *replyTo=NULL) | BView | |
DragMessage(BMessage *message, BBitmap *bitmap, drawing_mode dragMode, BPoint offset, BHandler *replyTo=NULL) | BView | |
Draw(BRect updateRect) | BChannelSlider | virtual |
DrawAfterChildren(BRect updateRect) | BView | virtual |
DrawBitmap(const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect, uint32 options) | BView | |
DrawBitmap(const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect) | BView | |
DrawBitmap(const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect viewRect) | BView | |
DrawBitmap(const BBitmap *aBitmap, BPoint where) | BView | |
DrawBitmap(const BBitmap *aBitmap) | BView | |
DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect, uint32 options) | BView | |
DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect) | BView | |
DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect viewRect) | BView | |
DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap *aBitmap, BPoint where) | BView | |
DrawBitmapAsync(const BBitmap *aBitmap) | BView | |
DrawChannel(BView *into, int32 channel, BRect area, bool pressed) | BChannelSlider | virtual |
DrawChar(char aChar) | BView | |
DrawChar(char aChar, BPoint location) | BView | |
DrawGroove(BView *into, int32 channel, BPoint leftTop, BPoint rightBottom) | BChannelSlider | virtual |
DrawingMode() const | BView | |
DrawPicture(const BPicture *a_picture) | BView | |
DrawPicture(const BPicture *a_picture, BPoint where) | BView | |
DrawPicture(const char *filename, long offset, BPoint where) | BView | |
DrawPictureAsync(const BPicture *a_picture) | BView | |
DrawPictureAsync(const BPicture *a_picture, BPoint where) | BView | |
DrawPictureAsync(const char *filename, long offset, BPoint where) | BView | |
DrawString(const char *string, escapement_delta *delta=NULL) | BView | |
DrawString(const char *string, BPoint location, escapement_delta *delta=NULL) | BView | |
DrawString(const char *string, int32 length, escapement_delta *delta=NULL) | BView | |
DrawString(const char *string, int32 length, BPoint location, escapement_delta *delta=0L) | BView | |
DrawString(const char *string, const BPoint *locations, int32 locationCount) | BView | |
DrawString(const char *string, int32 length, const BPoint *locations, int32 locationCount) | BView | |
DrawThumb(BView *into, int32 channel, BPoint where, bool pressed) | BChannelSlider | virtual |
DrawTiledBitmap(const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect viewRect, BPoint phase=B_ORIGIN) | BView | |
DrawTiledBitmapAsync(const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect viewRect, BPoint phase=B_ORIGIN) | BView | |
EnableLayoutInvalidation() | BView | |
EndInvokeNotify() | BInvoker | protected |
EndLayer() | BView | |
EndLineArray() | BView | |
EndPicture() | BView | |
EndRectTracking() | BView | |
EventMask() | BView | |
ExplicitAlignment() const | BView | |
ExplicitMaxSize() const | BView | |
ExplicitMinSize() const | BView | |
ExplicitPreferredSize() const | BView | |
FillArc(BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, float startAngle, float arcAngle, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
FillArc(BRect rect, float startAngle, float arcAngle, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
FillArc(BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, float startAngle, float arcAngle, const BGradient &gradient) | BView | |
FillArc(BRect rect, float startAngle, float arcAngle, const BGradient &gradient) | BView | |
FillBezier(BPoint *controlPoints, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
FillBezier(BPoint *controlPoints, const BGradient &gradient) | BView | |
FillEllipse(BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
FillEllipse(BRect rect, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
FillEllipse(BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, const BGradient &gradient) | BView | |
FillEllipse(BRect rect, const BGradient &gradient) | BView | |
FillPolygon(const BPolygon *polygon, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
FillPolygon(const BPoint *pointArray, int32 numPoints, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
FillPolygon(const BPoint *pointArray, int32 numPoints, BRect bounds, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
FillPolygon(const BPolygon *polygon, const BGradient &gradient) | BView | |
FillPolygon(const BPoint *pointArray, int32 numPoints, const BGradient &gradient) | BView | |
FillPolygon(const BPoint *pointArray, int32 numPoints, BRect bounds, const BGradient &gradient) | BView | |
FillRect(BRect rect, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
FillRect(BRect rect, const BGradient &gradient) | BView | |
FillRegion(BRegion *rectegion, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
FillRegion(BRegion *rectegion, const BGradient &gradient) | BView | |
FillRoundRect(BRect rect, float xRadius, float yRadius, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
FillRoundRect(BRect rect, float xRadius, float yRadius, const BGradient &gradient) | BView | |
FillRule() const | BView | |
FillShape(BShape *shape, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
FillShape(BShape *shape, const BGradient &gradient) | BView | |
FillTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
FillTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, BRect bounds, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
FillTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, const BGradient &gradient) | BView | |
FillTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, BRect bounds, const BGradient &gradient) | BView | |
FilterList() | BHandler | |
FindView(const char *name) const | BView | |
Flags() const | BView | |
Flush() const | BView | |
ForceFontAliasing(bool enable) | BView | |
Frame() const | BView | |
FrameMoved(BPoint newPosition) | BView | virtual |
FrameResized(float width, float height) | BChannelSlider | virtual |
GetBlendingMode(source_alpha *srcAlpha, alpha_function *alphaFunc) const | BView | |
GetClippingRegion(BRegion *region) const | BView | |
GetFont(BFont *font) const | BView | |
GetFontHeight(font_height *height) const | BView | |
GetHeightForWidth(float width, float *min, float *max, float *preferred) | BView | virtual |
GetLayout() const | BView | |
GetLimits(int32 *_minimum, int32 *_maximum) const | BChannelControl | |
GetLimitsFor(int32 channel, int32 *_minimum, int32 *_maximum) const | BChannelControl | |
GetLimitsFor(int32 fromChannel, int32 channelCount, int32 *minima, int32 *maxima) const | BChannelControl | virtual |
GetMouse(BPoint *location, uint32 *buttons, bool checkMessageQueue=true) | BView | |
GetPreferredSize(float *_width, float *_height) | BChannelSlider | virtual |
GetStringWidths(char *stringArray[], int32 lengthArray[], int32 numStrings, float widthArray[]) const | BView | |
GetSupportedSuites(BMessage *data) | BChannelSlider | virtual |
GetToolTipAt(BPoint point, BToolTip **_tip) | BView | protectedvirtual |
GetValue(int32 *_values, int32 fromChannel, int32 channelCount) const | BChannelControl | virtual |
HandlerForReply() const | BInvoker | |
HasDefaultColors() const | BView | |
HasHeightForWidth() | BView | virtual |
HasSystemColors() const | BView | |
Hide() | BView | virtual |
HideToolTip() | BView | |
HighColor() const | BView | |
HighUIColor(float *tint=NULL) const | BView | |
IconBitmap(uint32 which) const | BControl | |
Instantiate(BMessage *from) | BChannelSlider | static |
Invalidate(BRect invalRect) | BView | |
Invalidate(const BRegion *invalRegion) | BView | |
Invalidate() | BView | |
InvalidateLayout(bool descendants=false) | BView | |
InvertRect(BRect rect) | BView | |
Invoke(BMessage *message=NULL) | BChannelControl | virtual |
InvokeChannel(BMessage *message=NULL, int32 fromChannel=0, int32 channelCount=-1, const bool *_mask=NULL) | BChannelControl | virtual |
InvokeKind(bool *_notify=NULL) | BInvoker | protected |
InvokeNotify(BMessage *message, uint32 kind=B_CONTROL_INVOKED) | BInvoker | |
InvokeNotifyChannel(BMessage *message=NULL, uint32 kind=B_CONTROL_INVOKED, int32 fromChannel=0, int32 channelCount=-1, const bool *_mask=NULL) | BChannelControl | |
IsEnabled() const | BControl | |
IsFocus() const | BView | |
IsFocusChanging() const | BControl | protected |
IsHidden() const | BView | |
IsHidden(const BView *looking_from) const | BView | |
IsLayoutInvalidationDisabled() | BView | |
IsLayoutValid() const | BView | |
IsPrinting() const | BView | |
IsTargetLocal() const | BInvoker | |
IsTracking() const | BControl | protected |
IsWatched() const | BHandler | |
KeyDown(const char *bytes, int32 numBytes) | BChannelSlider | virtual |
KeyUp(const char *bytes, int32 numBytes) | BChannelSlider | virtual |
Label() const | BControl | |
Layout(bool force) | BView | |
LayoutAlignment() | BView | virtual |
LayoutChanged() | BView | protectedvirtual |
LayoutContext() const | BView | |
LayoutInvalidated(bool descendants=false) | BView | protectedvirtual |
LeftTop() const | BView | |
LineCapMode() const | BView | |
LineJoinMode() const | BView | |
LineMiterLimit() const | BView | |
LockLooper() | BHandler | |
LockLooperWithTimeout(bigtime_t timeout) | BHandler | |
Looper() const | BHandler | |
LowColor() const | BView | |
LowUIColor(float *tint=NULL) const | BView | |
MakeFocus(bool focusState=true) | BChannelSlider | virtual |
MaxChannelCount() const | BChannelSlider | virtual |
MaxLimitLabel() const | BChannelControl | |
MaxLimitLabelFor(int32 channel) const | BChannelControl | |
MaxLimitList() const | BChannelControl | inlineprotected |
MaxSize() | BView | virtual |
Message() const | BInvoker | |
MessageReceived(BMessage *message) | BChannelSlider | virtual |
Messenger() const | BInvoker | |
MinLimitLabel() const | BChannelControl | |
MinLimitLabelFor(int32 channel) const | BChannelControl | |
MinLimitList() const | BChannelControl | inlineprotected |
MinSize() | BView | virtual |
ModificationMessage() const | BChannelControl | |
MouseDown(BPoint where) | BChannelSlider | virtual |
MouseMoved(BPoint where, uint32 transit, const BMessage *dragMessage) | BChannelSlider | virtual |
MouseUp(BPoint where) | BChannelSlider | virtual |
MoveBy(float dh, float dv) | BView | |
MovePenBy(float x, float y) | BView | |
MovePenTo(BPoint pt) | BView | |
MovePenTo(float x, float y) | BView | |
MoveTo(BPoint where) | BView | |
MoveTo(float x, float y) | BView | |
Name() const | BHandler | |
NextHandler() const | BHandler | |
NextSibling() const | BView | |
Orientation() const | BChannelSlider | virtual |
Origin() const | BView | |
Parent() const | BView | |
PenLocation() const | BView | |
PenSize() const | BView | |
Perform(perform_code d, void *arg) | BControl | virtual |
PopState() | BView | |
PreferredSize() | BView | virtual |
PreviousSibling() const | BView | |
Pulse() | BView | virtual |
PushState() | BView | |
Relayout() | BView | |
RemoveChild(BView *child) | BView | |
RemoveFilter(BMessageFilter *filter) | BHandler | virtual |
RemoveSelf() | BView | |
ResetLayoutInvalidation() | BView | |
ResizeBy(float dh, float dv) | BView | |
ResizeTo(float width, float height) | BView | |
ResizeTo(BSize size) | BView | |
ResizeToPreferred() | BChannelControl | virtual |
ResizingMode() const | BView | |
ResolveSpecifier(BMessage *message, int32 index, BMessage *specifier, int32 form, const char *property) | BChannelSlider | virtual |
RotateBy(double angleRadians) | BView | |
Scale() const | BView | |
ScaleBy(double x, double y) | BView | |
ScrollBar(orientation direction) const | BView | |
ScrollBy(float dh, float dv) | BView | |
ScrollTo(float x, float y) | BView | inline |
ScrollTo(BPoint where) | BView | virtual |
ScrollWithMouseWheelDelta(BScrollBar *, float) | BView | protected |
SendNotices(uint32 what, const BMessage *notice=NULL) | BHandler | virtual |
SetAllValue(int32 values) | BChannelControl | |
SetBlendingMode(source_alpha srcAlpha, alpha_function alphaFunc) | BView | |
SetChannelCount(int32 count) | BChannelControl | virtual |
SetCurrentChannel(int32 index) | BChannelControl | virtual |
SetDiskMode(char *filename, long offset) | BView | |
SetDrawingMode(drawing_mode mode) | BView | virtual |
SetEnabled(bool on) | BChannelSlider | virtual |
SetEventMask(uint32 mask, uint32 options=0) | BView | |
SetExplicitAlignment(BAlignment alignment) | BView | |
SetExplicitMaxSize(BSize size) | BView | |
SetExplicitMinSize(BSize size) | BView | |
SetExplicitPreferredSize(BSize size) | BView | |
SetExplicitSize(BSize size) | BView | |
SetFillRule(int32 rule) | BView | |
SetFilterList(BList *filters) | BHandler | virtual |
SetFlags(uint32 flags) | BView | virtual |
SetFont(const BFont *font, uint32 mask=B_FONT_ALL) | BChannelSlider | virtual |
SetFontSize(float size) | BView | |
SetHandlerForReply(BHandler *handler) | BInvoker | virtual |
SetHighColor(rgb_color color) | BView | virtual |
SetHighColor(uchar red, uchar green, uchar blue, uchar alpha=255) | BView | inline |
SetHighUIColor(color_which which, float tint=B_NO_TINT) | BView | |
SetIcon(const BBitmap *bitmap, uint32 flags=0) | BControl | virtual |
SetIconBitmap(const BBitmap *bitmap, uint32 which, uint32 flags=0) | BControl | |
SetLabel(const char *string) | BControl | virtual |
SetLayout(BLayout *layout) | BView | virtual |
SetLimitLabels(const char *minLabel, const char *maxLabel) | BChannelControl | virtual |
SetLimitLabelsFor(int32 channel, const char *minLabel, const char *maxLabel) | BChannelControl | virtual |
SetLimitLabelsFor(int32 fromChannel, int32 channelCount, const char *minLabel, const char *maxLabel) | BChannelControl | virtual |
SetLimits(int32 minimum, int32 maximum) | BChannelControl | |
SetLimitsFor(int32 channel, int32 minimum, int32 maximum) | BChannelControl | |
SetLimitsFor(int32 fromChannel, int32 channelCount, const int32 *minima, const int32 *maxima) | BChannelControl | virtual |
SetLineMode(cap_mode lineCap, join_mode lineJoin, float miterLimit=B_DEFAULT_MITER_LIMIT) | BView | |
SetLowColor(rgb_color color) | BView | virtual |
SetLowColor(uchar red, uchar green, uchar blue, uchar alpha=255) | BView | inline |
SetLowUIColor(color_which which, float tint=B_NO_TINT) | BView | |
SetMessage(BMessage *message) | BInvoker | virtual |
SetModificationMessage(BMessage *message) | BChannelControl | virtual |
SetMouseEventMask(uint32 mask, uint32 options=0) | BView | |
SetName(const char *name) | BHandler | |
SetNextHandler(BHandler *handler) | BHandler | virtual |
SetOrientation(orientation orientation) | BChannelSlider | |
SetOrigin(BPoint where) | BView | |
SetOrigin(float x, float y) | BView | |
SetPenSize(float size) | BView | virtual |
SetResizingMode(uint32 mode) | BView | virtual |
SetScale(float scale) const | BView | |
SetTarget(const BHandler *handler, const BLooper *looper=NULL) | BInvoker | virtual |
SetTarget(BMessenger messenger) | BInvoker | virtual |
SetTimeout(bigtime_t timeout) | BInvoker | |
SetToolTip(const char *text) | BView | |
SetToolTip(BToolTip *tip) | BView | |
SetTracking(bool state) | BControl | protected |
SetTransform(BAffineTransform transform) | BView | |
SetValue(int32 value) | BChannelControl | virtual |
SetValue(int32 fromChannel, int32 channelCount, const int32 *values) | BChannelControl | virtual |
SetValueFor(int32 channel, int32 value) | BChannelControl | |
SetValueNoUpdate(int32 value) | BControl | protected |
SetViewBitmap(const BBitmap *bitmap, BRect srcRect, BRect dstRect, uint32 followFlags=B_FOLLOW_LEFT_TOP, uint32 options=B_TILE_BITMAP) | BView | |
SetViewBitmap(const BBitmap *bitmap, uint32 followFlags=B_FOLLOW_LEFT_TOP, uint32 options=B_TILE_BITMAP) | BView | |
SetViewColor(rgb_color color) | BView | virtual |
SetViewColor(uchar red, uchar green, uchar blue, uchar alpha=255) | BView | inline |
SetViewCursor(const BCursor *cursor, bool sync=true) | BView | |
SetViewOverlay(const BBitmap *overlay, BRect srcRect, BRect dstRect, rgb_color *colorKey, uint32 followFlags=B_FOLLOW_LEFT_TOP, uint32 options=0) | BView | |
SetViewOverlay(const BBitmap *overlay, rgb_color *colorKey, uint32 followFlags=B_FOLLOW_LEFT_TOP, uint32 options=0) | BView | |
SetViewUIColor(color_which which, float tint=B_NO_TINT) | BView | |
Show() | BView | virtual |
ShowToolTip(BToolTip *tip=NULL) | BView | |
StartWatching(BMessenger target, uint32 what) | BHandler | |
StartWatching(BHandler *observer, uint32 what) | BHandler | |
StartWatchingAll(BMessenger target) | BHandler | |
StartWatchingAll(BHandler *observer) | BHandler | |
StopWatching(BMessenger target, uint32 what) | BHandler | |
StopWatching(BHandler *observer, uint32 what) | BHandler | |
StopWatchingAll(BMessenger target) | BHandler | |
StopWatchingAll(BHandler *observer) | BHandler | |
StringWidth(const char *string) const | BView | |
StringWidth(const char *string, int32 length) const | BView | |
StrokeArc(BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, float startAngle, float arcAngle, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
StrokeArc(BRect rect, float startAngle, float arcAngle, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
StrokeBezier(BPoint *controlPoints, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
StrokeEllipse(BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
StrokeEllipse(BRect rect, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
StrokeLine(BPoint toPoint, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
StrokeLine(BPoint start, BPoint end, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
StrokePolygon(const BPolygon *polygon, bool closed=true, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
StrokePolygon(const BPoint *pointArray, int32 numPoints, bool closed=true, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
StrokePolygon(const BPoint *pointArray, int32 numPoints, BRect bounds, bool closed=true, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
StrokeRect(BRect rect, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
StrokeRoundRect(BRect rect, float xRadius, float yRadius, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
StrokeShape(BShape *shape, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
StrokeTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, BRect bounds, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
StrokeTriangle(BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) | BView | |
SupportsIndividualLimits() const | BChannelSlider | virtual |
Sync() const | BView | |
Target(BLooper **_looper=NULL) const | BInvoker | |
TargetedByScrollView(BScrollView *scrollView) | BView | virtual |
ThumbDeltaFor(int32 channel) | BChannelSlider | virtual |
ThumbFor(int32 channel, bool pressed) | BChannelSlider | virtual |
ThumbFrameFor(int32 channel) | BChannelSlider | virtual |
ThumbRangeFor(int32 channel) | BChannelSlider | virtual |
Timeout() const | BInvoker | |
ToolTip() const | BView | |
Transform() const | BView | |
TransformTo(coordinate_space basis) const | BView | |
TranslateBy(double x, double y) | BView | |
TruncateString(BString *in_out, uint32 mode, float width) const | BView | |
UnlockLooper() | BHandler | |
Value() const | BControl | |
ValueFor(int32 channel) const | BChannelControl | |
ValueList() const | BChannelControl | inlineprotected |
ViewColor() const | BView | |
ViewUIColor(float *tint=NULL) const | BView | |
Window() const | BView | |
WindowActivated(bool state) | BChannelSlider | virtual |
~BArchivable() | BArchivable | virtual |
~BChannelControl() | BChannelControl | virtual |
~BChannelSlider() | BChannelSlider | virtual |
~BControl() | BControl | virtual |
~BHandler() | BHandler | virtual |
~BInvoker() | BInvoker | virtual |
~BView() | BView | virtual |