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Barra d'eines:Aplicacions
Preferències:~/config/settings/CharacterMap settings

CharacterMap shows all characters of every Unicode block.


To the left you have the standardized Unicode blocks, together with a handy filter function.
The View menu has an option to Show private blocks, which are areas that are untouched by the Unicode Consortium. If you activate Only show blocks contained in font, blocks not part of the current font are grayed out in the blocks list at the left and not shown in the list of characters on the right.

The right shows the actual characters in these blocks, using the font specified in the Font menu. You can determine if a symbol is part of that font (it's drawn in black), or if the system supplies a fall-back symbol from some other font (then it's drawn with a gray color).
Below the symbols you can change the font size. And below that, the values of the character currently under the mouse pointer are displayed in hex, decimal and UTF-8 notation.

Des del mapa de caràcters podeu arrossegar un símbol i deixar-lo anar directament sobre un editor de text, o bé fer clic amb el botó dret sobre un símbol per Copiar-lo (ALT C) o bé Copiar-lo com a cadena de bytes escapada (SHIFT ALT C). Obtenint així, per exemple, ja sigui o bé \\xe2\\x82\\xac.

Clicking on a symbol shows a magnified view of it, click again to close.