Keyboard shortcuts
Built-in commands

vision-icon_64.pngVision 聊天客户端


Vision 是一个原本为 BeOS 开发的 IRC 聊天客户端。您可以在 Vision 项目网站 查看相关的文档和它的错误跟踪系统。

You can find help from other Haiku users and developers on Haiku channels in various languages.
The most frequented channel is the English speaking #haiku at irc.oftc.net.

参考下述建议,尤其是 IRC 新手:


index 键盘快捷键

Vision provides a few handy keyboard shortcuts:

TABTab-completion like in Terminal: After entering a few letters of a nickname, hitting TAB completes to the first matching nickname.
/ When the input control has focus, this will cycle through your recently entered text.
ALT / Activates the window that appears above / below the currently active (selected) one in the "Window list"
SHIFT ALT / Similar to ALT / , but with a twist. Instead of activating the window immedietly above / below the current one, it looks ahead. If there are any windows with higher status bits then the current window, it jumps to those. It jumps to the highest found status bit first.
To understand this, you must know that Vision color codes windows in the list with different "status bits" depending on how its contents have changed since it last had focus:
  • black - no new text
  • gray - new text, but nothing exciting (joins, parts, etc.)
  • green - someone has said something
  • red - someone has said something, and mentioned your nickname
Vision treats these with sequential priority. When you press SHIFT ALT / , Vision will first jump to a red window above / below the current one if it sees one. If it doesn't see a red one, it will jump to a green one, and so on.

index Built-in commands

Here's a list of built-in commands, taken with permission from Vision's website.

The syntax:

/COMMANDthe command
<required>a required parameter
[optional]an optional parameter
|a logical OR
...more parameters possible