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BDateFormat Member List

This is the complete list of members for BDateFormat, including all inherited members.

BDateFormat(const BLocale *locale=NULL)BDateFormat
BDateFormat(const BLanguage &language, const BFormattingConventions &format)BDateFormat
BDateFormat(const BDateFormat &other)BDateFormat
Format(char *string, const size_t maxSize, const time_t time, const BDateFormatStyle style) constBDateFormat
Format(BString &string, const time_t time, const BDateFormatStyle style, const BTimeZone *timeZone=NULL) constBDateFormat
Format(BString &string, int *&fieldPositions, int &fieldCount, const time_t time, const BDateFormatStyle style) constBDateFormat
GetFields(BDateElement *&fields, int &fieldCount, BDateFormatStyle style) constBDateFormat
GetStartOfWeek(BWeekday *weekday) constBDateFormat