Here is a list of all documented class members with links to the class documentation for each member:
- f -
- f_family : menu_info
- f_style : menu_info
- Face() : BFont
- face : tuned_font_info
- FalseBoldWidth() : BFont
- FamilyAndStyle() : BFont
- fBottomInset : BTwoDimensionalLayout
- Feel() : BWindow
- Fetch() : BQuery
- fHSpacing : BTwoDimensionalLayout
- Field() : BPrivate::Network::BHttpFields::Field
- Fields() : BPrivate::Network::BHttpRequest, BPrivate::Network::BHttpResult
- File() : BResources
- FileFormat() : BFont
- FillArc() : BView
- FillBezier() : BView
- FillBuffer() : BFileGameSound
- FillEllipse() : BView
- FillPolygon() : BView
- FillRect() : BView
- FillRegion() : BView
- FillRoundRect() : BView
- FillRule() : BView
- FillShape() : BView
- FillTriangle() : BView
- Filter() : BMessageFilter, BRefFilter
- FilterList() : BHandler
- FiltersAnyCommand() : BMessageFilter
- FindAlignment() : BMessage
- FindApp() : BRoster
- FindBool() : BMessage
- FindColor() : BMessage
- FindCommand() : BPropertyInfo
- FindConsumer() : BMidiRoster
- FindData() : BMessage
- FindDouble() : BMessage
- FindEndpoint() : BMidiRoster
- FindEntry() : BDirectory
- FindField() : BPrivate::Network::BHttpFields
- FindFirst() : BString
- FindFirstChars() : BString
- FindFlat() : BMessage
- FindFloat() : BMessage
- FindIf() : BObjectList< T, Owning >
- FindInt16() : BMessage
- FindInt32() : BMessage
- FindInt64() : BMessage
- FindInt8() : BMessage
- FindItem() : BMenu
- FindLast() : BString
- FindLastChars() : BString
- FindMarked() : BMenu
- FindMarkedIndex() : BMenu
- FindMatch() : BPropertyInfo
- FindMessage() : BMessage, BMessageQueue
- FindMessenger() : BMessage
- FindNodeRef() : BMessage
- FindObject() : BUnarchiver
- FindPath() : BPathFinder
- FindPaths() : BPathFinder
- FindPoint() : BMessage
- FindPointer() : BMessage
- FindProducer() : BMidiRoster
- FindRect() : BMessage
- FindRef() : BMessage
- FindResource() : BResources
- FindSize() : BMessage
- FindSpecifier() : BPropertyInfo
- FindString() : BMessage
- FindStrings() : BMessage
- FindUInt16() : BMessage
- FindUInt32() : BMessage
- FindUInt64() : BMessage
- FindUInt8() : BMessage
- FindView() : BBitmap, BView, BWindow
- FindWord() : BTextView
- Finish() : BArchiver, BUnarchiver
- First() : BStringList
- FirstItem() : BList, BListView, BObjectList< T, Owning >
- FirstReferenceAcquired() : BReferenceable
- flags : app_info
- Flags() : BBitmap, BBuffer, BFont, BView, BWindow
- flags : tuned_font_info
- Flatten() : BAffineTransform, BFlattenable, BKey, BMessage, BPath, BPicture, BPropertyInfo, BStringList
- FlattenedSize() : BAffineTransform, BFlattenable, BMessage, BPath, BPropertyInfo, BStringList
- fLeftInset : BTwoDimensionalLayout
- FlipX() : BAffineTransform
- FlipY() : BAffineTransform
- Flush() : BBufferedDataIO, BBufferIO, BDataIO, BView, BWindow
- FocusTab() : BTabView
- font : text_run
- font_size : menu_info
- ForceFontAliasing() : BView
- Format() : BDateFormat, BDateTimeFormat, BDurationFormat, BGameSound, BNumberFormat, BTimeFormat
- FormatChangeRequested() : GameProducer
- FormatMonetary() : BNumberFormat
- FormatProposal() : GameProducer
- FormatSuggestionRequested() : GameProducer
- Fragment() : BUrl
- Frame() : BAbstractLayout, BDeskbar, BLayoutItem, BMenuItem, BPolygon, BRegion, BScreen, BSpaceLayoutItem, BView, BWindow
- FrameInt() : BRegion
- FrameMoved() : BBox, BButton, BCheckBox, BColorControl, BDirectWindow, BDragger, BListView, BMenu, BMenuBar, BMenuField, BOutlineListView, BPictureButton, BPopUpMenu, BRadioButton, BScrollBar, BScrollView, BStatusBar, BStringView, BTabView, BTextControl, BView, BWindow
- FrameResized() : BAlert, BBox, BButton, BChannelControl, BChannelSlider, BCheckBox, BColorControl, BDirectWindow, BDragger, BListView, BMenu, BMenuBar, BMenuField, BOutlineListView, BPictureButton, BPopUpMenu, BRadioButton, BScrollBar, BScrollView, BStatusBar, BStringView, BTabView, BTextControl, BTextView, BView, BWindow
- free_attr_cookie : fs_vnode_ops
- free_attr_dir_cookie : fs_vnode_ops
- free_cookie : fs_vnode_ops
- free_dir_cookie : fs_vnode_ops
- free_identify_partition_cookie : file_system_module_info
- free_index_dir_cookie : fs_volume_ops
- free_partition_content_cookie : file_system_module_info
- free_query_cookie : fs_volume_ops
- FreeBytes() : BVolume
- fRightInset : BTwoDimensionalLayout
- FromUTF8() : BUnicodeChar
- fsync : fs_vnode_ops
- fTopInset : BTwoDimensionalLayout
- FullListCountItems() : BOutlineListView
- FullListCurrentSelection() : BOutlineListView
- FullListDoForEach() : BOutlineListView
- FullListFirstItem() : BOutlineListView
- FullListHasItem() : BOutlineListView
- FullListIndexOf() : BOutlineListView
- FullListIsEmpty() : BOutlineListView
- FullListItemAt() : BOutlineListView
- FullListLastItem() : BOutlineListView
- FullListSortItems() : BOutlineListView
- fVSpacing : BTwoDimensionalLayout