▼ headers | |
▼ os | |
► app | |
Application.h | Provides the BApplication class |
Clipboard.h | Provides the BClipboard class |
Cursor.h | Provides the BCursor class |
Handler.h | Provides the BHandler class |
Invoker.h | Provides the BInvoker class |
Key.h | Provides BKey and BPasswordKey classes, as well as BKeyPurpose and BKeyType enums |
KeyStore.h | Provides BKeyStore class |
Looper.h | Provides the BLooper class |
Message.h | Provides the BMessage class |
MessageFilter.h | Provides BMessageFilter class |
MessageQueue.h | Provides the BMessageQueue class |
MessageRunner.h | Provides the BMessageRunner class |
Messenger.h | Provides the BMessenger class and some BMessenger operator functions |
Notification.h | Provides BNotification class and the notification_type enum |
PropertyInfo.h | Provides the BPropertyInfo class and support structures |
Roster.h | Provides the app_info struct, the BRoster class and the be_roster global |
► device | |
Joystick.h | BJoystick class definition |
► drivers | |
fs_interface.h | Provides an interface for file system modules |
KernelExport.h | Interfaces for drivers code running in kernel space |
USB3.h | Interface for the USB module |
USB_spec.h | General definitions as defined by the USB standard |
► game | |
DirectWindow.h | Provides the BDirectWindow class |
FileGameSound.h | Provides the BFileGameSound class |
GameSound.h | Provides the BGameSound base class |
► interface | |
AffineTransform.h | Undocumented file |
Alert.h | BAlert class definition and support enums |
Alignment.h | Undocumented file |
Bitmap.h | Defines the BBitmap class and global operators and functions for handling bitmaps |
Box.h | Defines the BBox class |
Button.h | Describes the BButton class |
CardLayout.h | Provides the BCardLayout class |
CardView.h | Provides the BCardView class |
ChannelControl.h | Undocumented file |
ChannelSlider.h | Undocumented file |
CheckBox.h | Defines the BCheckBox class |
ColorControl.h | BColorControl class definition and support enums |
Control.h | BControl class definition and support enums |
Deskbar.h | Undocumented file |
Dragger.h | Provides the BDragger class |
Font.h | BFont class definition, unicode_block class definition, and font-related struct and enum definitions |
GraphicsDefs.h | Graphics-related functions and variables used by the Interface Kit |
GridLayout.h | Provides the BGridLayout class |
GridLayoutBuilder.h | Provides deprecated GridLayoutBuilder class |
GridView.h | Provides the BGridView class |
GroupLayout.h | Describes the BGroupLayout class |
GroupLayoutBuilder.h | Provides deprecated GroupLayoutBuilder class |
GroupView.h | Provides the BGroupView class |
IconUtils.h | Vector icon handling utility class |
Input.h | Undocumented file |
InterfaceDefs.h | Defines standard interface definitions for controls |
Layout.h | Defines the BLayout class |
LayoutBuilder.h | Defines the BLayoutBuilder templates |
LayoutItem.h | Describes the BLayoutItem class |
ListItem.h | ListItem class definition |
ListView.h | ListView class definition |
Menu.h | BMenu class definition and support structures |
MenuBar.h | BMenuBar class definition and support structures |
MenuField.h | BMenuField class definition and support structures |
MenuItem.h | BMenuItem class definition |
OptionControl.h | Undocumented file |
OptionPopUp.h | BOptionPopUp class definition |
OutlineListView.h | Provides the BOutlineListView class |
Picture.h | BPicture class definition |
PictureButton.h | BPictureButton class definition and support structures |
Point.h | BPoint class definition |
Polygon.h | BPolygon class definition |
PopUpMenu.h | BPopUpMenu class definition and support structures |
RadioButton.h | BRadioButton class definition |
Rect.h | BRect class definition |
Region.h | BRegion class definition |
Screen.h | Defines the BScreen class and support structures |
ScrollBar.h | BScrollBar class definition |
ScrollView.h | BScrollView class definition |
SeparatorItem.h | BSeparatorItem class definition |
SeparatorView.h | Undocumented file |
Shape.h | BShape and BShapeIterator class definitions |
Shelf.h | BShelf class definition |
Size.h | BSize class definition and related enum definition |
SpaceLayoutItem.h | Provides the BSpaceLayoutItem class |
SplitLayoutBuilder.h | Provides deprecated SplitLayoutBuilder class |
SplitView.h | Provides the BSplitView class |
StatusBar.h | Undocumented file |
StringItem.h | BStringItem class definition |
StringView.h | BStringView class definition |
TabView.h | Provides the BTab and BTabView classes |
TextControl.h | Provides the BTextControl class |
TextView.h | Provides the BTextView class and associated structs |
TwoDimensionalLayout.h | Defines the BTwoDimensionalLayout class |
View.h | BView class definition and support data structures |
Window.h | BWindow class definition and support data structures |
► locale | |
Catalog.h | Provides the BCatalog class |
Collator.h | Provides the BCollator class |
Country.h | BCountry class definition |
DateFormat.h | Contains BDateFormat class, a date formatter and parser |
DateTimeFormat.h | Contains BDateTimeFormat class, a datetime formatter and parser |
DurationFormat.h | Contains BDurationFormat class, a time interval formatter and parser |
Locale.h | Provides the BLocale class, the base class of the Locale Kit |
LocaleRoster.h | Provides the BLocaleRoster class to access locale data |
NumberFormat.h | Contains BNumberFormat class, a number formatter and parser |
TimeFormat.h | Contains BTimeFormat class, a time formatter and parser |
TimeZone.h | Provides the BTimeZone class |
UnicodeChar.h | Provides the BUnicodeChar class |
► mail | |
MailComponent.h | Provides the BMailComponent and BTextMailComponent classes |
► media | |
Buffer.h | Defines the buffer_clone_info struct and BBuffer class |
FileInterface.h | Provides BFileInterface abstract class |
► midi2 | |
Midi2Defs.h | Some definitions to define raw MIDI events |
MidiConsumer.h | Defines consumer classes for the MIDI Kit |
MidiEndpoint.h | Defines the Baseclass of all MIDI consumers and producers |
MidiProducer.h | Defines producer classes for the MIDI Kit |
MidiRoster.h | Defines the heart of the MIDI Kit: the MIDI Roster |
► net | |
AbstractSocket.h | Provides the BAbstractSocket interface |
DatagramSocket.h | BAbstractSocket implementation for datagram connections |
► storage | |
AppFileInfo.h | Provides the BAppFileInfo class |
Directory.h | Provides the BDirectory class |
Entry.h | Provides the BEntry class and entry_ref implementations |
EntryList.h | Defines the BEntryList class |
File.h | Provides the BFile class |
FilePanel.h | Provides the BFilePanel and BRefFilter classes and support enums |
FindDirectory.h | Provides the find_directory(), find_path(), find_paths() functions as well as the directory_which constants |
Mime.h | Provides C and Haiku-only C++ MIME-type handling functions |
MimeType.h | Provides the BMimeType class |
Node.h | Provides the BNode class and node_ref struct |
NodeInfo.h | Provides the BNodeInfo class |
NodeMonitor.h | Provides functions and constants for monitoring changes to a node |
Path.h | Provides the BPath class |
PathFinder.h | Provides the BPathFinder class interface |
Query.h | Provides the BQuery class |
Resources.h | Provides the BResources class |
Statable.h | Provides the BStatable abstract class |
SymLink.h | Provides the BSymLink class |
Volume.h | Provides the BVolume class |
VolumeRoster.h | Provides the BVolumeRoster class |
► support | |
Architecture.h | Provides functions for getting the primary and secondary architectures of the system |
Archivable.h | Provides the BArchivable interface and declares the BArchiver and BUnarchiver classes |
Autolock.h | Implements a handy locking utility |
Beep.h | Functions to generate sounds from the computer |
BlockCache.h | Implements a mechanism to store and retrieve memory blocks |
BufferedDataIO.h | Undocumented file |
BufferIO.h | Provides the BBufferIO class |
DataIO.h | Defines abstract BDataIO and BPositionIO and the derived BMallocIO and BMemoryIO classes |
Flattenable.h | Provides the BFlattenable interface |
List.h | Defines the BList class |
Locker.h | Provides locking class BLocker |
ObjectList.h | Defines the BObjectList class |
parsedate.h | Date parsing functions |
Referenceable.h | Provides the BReferenceable interface and declares the BReferenceable and BReference classes |
StackOrHeapArray.h | Provides the BStackOrHeapArray helper class |
StopWatch.h | Provides the BStopWatch class |
String.h | Defines the BString class and global operators and functions for handling strings |
StringList.h | Undocumented file |
SupportDefs.h | Defines basic types and definitions for the Haiku API |
TLS.h | Functions to use Thread Local Storage |
TypeConstants.h | Represents type codes that are used by parts of the Haiku API |
Url.h | Provides the BUrl class |
► translation | |
BitmapStream.h | BBitmapStream class definition |
TranslationDefs.h | Defines structures and preprocessor macros that are used by the translation kit |
Translator.h | BTranslator class definition |
TranslatorFormats.h | Defines identifiers and structures for data formats and configuration messages |
TranslatorRoster.h | BTranslatorRoster class definition |
▼ posix | |
syslog.h | System logging capabilities |
unistd.h | Standard symbolic constants and types |
▼ private | |
► netservices2 | |
ErrorsExt.h | Defines advanced error types and error functions for the Network Services API |
ExclusiveBorrow.h | Provides the BExclusiveBorrow smart pointer |
HttpFields.h | Provides the BHttpFields class |
HttpRequest.h | Provides the classes and tools to build HTTP Requests |
HttpResult.h | Provides classes and tools to handle HTTP responses |
HttpSession.h | Provides classes and tools to schedule and execute HTTP requests |
HttpTime.h | Provides tools to parse and format HTTP dates |
NetServicesDefs.h | Various standardized error and notification types used by multiple protocols of the Network Services Kit |
► shared | |
MemoryRingIO.h | Provides the BMemoryRingIO class |
▼ src | |
▼ kits | |
► game | |
GameProducer.h | Provides the GameProducer class |