This is the complete list of members for BMenuItem, including all inherited members.
AllArchived(BMessage *archive) const | BArchivable | virtual |
AllUnarchived(const BMessage *archive) | BArchivable | virtual |
Archive(BMessage *archive, bool deep=true) const | BMenuItem | virtual |
BArchivable(BMessage *from) | BArchivable | |
BArchivable() | BArchivable | |
BeginInvokeNotify(uint32 kind=B_CONTROL_INVOKED) | BInvoker | protected |
BInvoker() | BInvoker | |
BInvoker(BMessage *message, const BHandler *handler, const BLooper *looper=NULL) | BInvoker | |
BInvoker(BMessage *message, BMessenger target) | BInvoker | |
BMenuItem(const char *label, BMessage *message, char shortcut=0, uint32 modifiers=0) | BMenuItem | |
BMenuItem(BMenu *menu, BMessage *message=NULL) | BMenuItem | |
BMenuItem(BMessage *data) | BMenuItem | |
Command() const | BInvoker | |
ContentLocation() const | BMenuItem | protected |
Draw() | BMenuItem | protectedvirtual |
DrawContent() | BMenuItem | protectedvirtual |
EndInvokeNotify() | BInvoker | protected |
Frame() const | BMenuItem | |
GetContentSize(float *_width, float *_height) | BMenuItem | protectedvirtual |
HandlerForReply() const | BInvoker | |
Highlight(bool highlight) | BMenuItem | protectedvirtual |
Instantiate(BMessage *archive) | BMenuItem | static |
Invoke(BMessage *message=NULL) | BMenuItem | protectedvirtual |
InvokeKind(bool *_notify=NULL) | BInvoker | protected |
InvokeNotify(BMessage *message, uint32 kind=B_CONTROL_INVOKED) | BInvoker | |
IsEnabled() const | BMenuItem | |
IsMarked() const | BMenuItem | |
IsSelected() const | BMenuItem | protected |
IsTargetLocal() const | BInvoker | |
Label() const | BMenuItem | |
Menu() const | BMenuItem | |
Message() const | BInvoker | |
Messenger() const | BInvoker | |
Perform(perform_code d, void *arg) | BArchivable | virtual |
SetEnabled(bool enable) | BMenuItem | virtual |
SetHandlerForReply(BHandler *handler) | BInvoker | virtual |
SetLabel(const char *name) | BMenuItem | virtual |
SetMarked(bool mark) | BMenuItem | virtual |
SetMessage(BMessage *message) | BInvoker | virtual |
SetShortcut(char shortcut, uint32 modifiers) | BMenuItem | virtual |
SetTarget(const BHandler *handler, const BLooper *looper=NULL) | BInvoker | virtual |
SetTarget(BMessenger messenger) | BInvoker | virtual |
SetTimeout(bigtime_t timeout) | BInvoker | |
SetTrigger(char trigger) | BMenuItem | virtual |
Shortcut(uint32 *_modifiers=NULL) const | BMenuItem | |
Submenu() const | BMenuItem | |
Target(BLooper **_looper=NULL) const | BInvoker | |
Timeout() const | BInvoker | |
Trigger() const | BMenuItem | |
TruncateLabel(float maxWidth, char *newLabel) | BMenuItem | protectedvirtual |
~BArchivable() | BArchivable | virtual |
~BInvoker() | BInvoker | virtual |
~BMenuItem() | BMenuItem | virtual |