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BResources Member List

This is the complete list of members for BResources, including all inherited members.

AddResource(type_code type, int32 id, const void *data, size_t length, const char *name=NULL)BResources
BResources(const BFile *file, bool clobber=false)BResources
BResources(const char *path, bool clobber=false)BResources
BResources(const entry_ref *ref, bool clobber=false)BResources
File() constBResources
FindResource(type_code type, int32 id, size_t *lengthFound)BResources
FindResource(type_code type, const char *name, size_t *lengthFound)BResources
GetResourceInfo(int32 byIndex, type_code *typeFound, int32 *idFound, const char **nameFound, size_t *lengthFound)BResources
GetResourceInfo(type_code byType, int32 andIndex, int32 *idFound, const char **nameFound, size_t *lengthFound)BResources
GetResourceInfo(type_code byType, int32 andID, const char **nameFound, size_t *lengthFound)BResources
GetResourceInfo(type_code byType, const char *andName, int32 *idFound, size_t *lengthFound)BResources
GetResourceInfo(const void *byPointer, type_code *typeFound, int32 *idFound, size_t *lengthFound, const char **nameFound)BResources
HasResource(type_code type, int32 id)BResources
HasResource(type_code type, const char *name)BResources
InitCheck() constBResources
LoadResource(type_code type, int32 id, size_t *_size)BResources
LoadResource(type_code type, const char *name, size_t *_size)BResources
MergeFrom(BFile *fromFile)BResources
PreloadResourceType(type_code type=0)BResources
ReadResource(type_code type, int32 id, void *data, off_t offset, size_t length)BResources
RemoveResource(const void *resource)BResources
RemoveResource(type_code type, int32 id)BResources
SetTo(const BFile *file, bool clobber=false)BResources
SetTo(const char *path, bool clobber=false)BResources
SetTo(const entry_ref *ref, bool clobber=false)BResources
SetToImage(image_id image, bool clobber=false)BResources
SetToImage(const void *codeOrDataPointer, bool clobber=false)BResources
WriteResource(type_code type, int32 id, const void *data, off_t offset, size_t length)BResources
WriteTo(BFile *file)BResources