This is the complete list of members for BWindow, including all inherited members.
Activate(bool=true) | BWindow | |
AddChild(BView *child, BView *before=NULL) | BWindow | |
AddChild(BLayoutItem *child) | BWindow | |
AddCommonFilter(BMessageFilter *filter) | BLooper | virtual |
AddFilter(BMessageFilter *filter) | BHandler | virtual |
AddHandler(BHandler *handler) | BLooper | |
AddShortcut(uint32 key, uint32 modifiers, BMessage *message) | BWindow | |
AddShortcut(uint32 key, uint32 modifiers, BMessage *message, BHandler *target) | BWindow | |
AddToSubset(BWindow *window) | BWindow | |
AllArchived(BMessage *archive) const | BArchivable | virtual |
AllUnarchived(const BMessage *archive) | BArchivable | virtual |
Archive(BMessage *archive, bool deep=true) const | BWindow | virtual |
BArchivable(BMessage *from) | BArchivable | |
BArchivable() | BArchivable | |
BeginViewTransaction() | BWindow | |
BHandler(const char *name=NULL) | BHandler | |
BHandler(BMessage *data) | BHandler | |
BLooper(const char *name=NULL, int32 priority=B_NORMAL_PRIORITY, int32 portCapacity=B_LOOPER_PORT_DEFAULT_CAPACITY) | BLooper | |
BLooper(BMessage *data) | BLooper | |
Bounds() const | BWindow | |
BWindow(BRect frame, const char *title, window_type type, uint32 flags, uint32 workspace=B_CURRENT_WORKSPACE) | BWindow | |
BWindow(BRect frame, const char *title, window_look look, window_feel feel, uint32 flags, uint32 workspace=B_CURRENT_WORKSPACE) | BWindow | |
BWindow(BMessage *archive) | BWindow | |
CenterIn(const BRect &rect) | BWindow | |
CenterOnScreen() | BWindow | |
CenterOnScreen(screen_id id) | BWindow | |
ChildAt(int32 index) const | BWindow | |
Close() | BWindow | inline |
CommonFilterList() const | BLooper | |
ConvertFromScreen(BPoint *point) const | BWindow | |
ConvertFromScreen(BPoint point) const | BWindow | |
ConvertFromScreen(BRect *rect) const | BWindow | |
ConvertFromScreen(BRect rect) const | BWindow | |
ConvertToScreen(BPoint *point) const | BWindow | |
ConvertToScreen(BPoint point) const | BWindow | |
ConvertToScreen(BRect *rect) const | BWindow | |
ConvertToScreen(BRect rect) const | BWindow | |
CountChildren() const | BWindow | |
CountHandlers() const | BLooper | |
CountLockRequests() const | BLooper | |
CountLocks() const | BLooper | |
CurrentFocus() const | BWindow | |
CurrentMessage() const | BLooper | |
DecoratorFrame() const | BWindow | |
DefaultButton() const | BWindow | |
DetachCurrentMessage() | BLooper | |
DisableUpdates() | BWindow | |
DispatchExternalMessage(BMessage *message, BHandler *handler, bool &_detached) | BLooper | |
DispatchMessage(BMessage *message, BHandler *handler) | BWindow | virtual |
EnableUpdates() | BWindow | |
EndViewTransaction() | BWindow | |
Feel() const | BWindow | |
FilterList() | BHandler | |
FindView(const char *viewName) const | BWindow | |
FindView(BPoint) const | BWindow | |
Flags() const | BWindow | |
Flush() const | BWindow | |
Frame() const | BWindow | |
FrameMoved(BPoint newPosition) | BWindow | virtual |
FrameResized(float newWidth, float newHeight) | BWindow | virtual |
GetDecoratorSettings(BMessage *settings) const | BWindow | |
GetLayout() const | BWindow | |
GetSizeLimits(float *minWidth, float *maxWidth, float *minHeight, float *maxHeight) | BWindow | |
GetSupportedSuites(BMessage *data) | BWindow | virtual |
GetWindowAlignment(window_alignment *mode=NULL, int32 *h=NULL, int32 *hOffset=NULL, int32 *width=NULL, int32 *widthOffset=NULL, int32 *v=NULL, int32 *vOffset=NULL, int32 *height=NULL, int32 *heightOffset=NULL) const | BWindow | |
HandlerAt(int32 index) const | BLooper | |
HasShortcut(uint32 key, uint32 modifiers) | BWindow | |
Hide() | BWindow | virtual |
IndexOf(BHandler *handler) const | BLooper | |
Instantiate(BMessage *archive) | BWindow | static |
InvalidateLayout(bool descendants=false) | BWindow | |
InViewTransaction() const | BWindow | |
IsActive() const | BWindow | |
IsFloating() const | BWindow | |
IsFront() const | BWindow | |
IsHidden() const | BWindow | |
IsLocked() const | BLooper | |
IsMessageWaiting() const | BLooper | |
IsMinimized() const | BWindow | |
IsModal() const | BWindow | |
IsOffscreenWindow() const | BWindow | |
IsWatched() const | BHandler | |
KeyMenuBar() const | BWindow | |
LastMouseMovedView() const | BWindow | |
Layout(bool force) | BWindow | |
Lock() | BLooper | |
LockingThread() const | BLooper | |
LockLooper() | BHandler | |
LockLooperWithTimeout(bigtime_t timeout) | BHandler | |
LockWithTimeout(bigtime_t timeout) | BLooper | |
Look() const | BWindow | |
Loop() | BLooper | |
Looper() const | BHandler | |
LooperForThread(thread_id thread) | BLooper | static |
MenusBeginning() | BWindow | virtual |
MenusEnded() | BWindow | virtual |
MessageFromPort(bigtime_t=B_INFINITE_TIMEOUT) | BLooper | protected |
MessageQueue() const | BLooper | |
MessageReceived(BMessage *message) | BWindow | virtual |
Minimize(bool minimize) | BWindow | virtual |
MoveBy(float dx, float dy) | BWindow | |
MoveOnScreen(uint32 flags=0) | BWindow | |
MoveTo(BPoint) | BWindow | |
MoveTo(float x, float y) | BWindow | |
Name() const | BHandler | |
NeedsUpdate() const | BWindow | |
NextHandler() const | BHandler | |
Perform(perform_code code, void *data) | BWindow | virtual |
PostMessage(uint32 command) | BLooper | |
PostMessage(BMessage *message) | BLooper | |
PostMessage(uint32 command, BHandler *handler, BHandler *replyTo=NULL) | BLooper | |
PostMessage(BMessage *message, BHandler *handler, BHandler *replyTo=NULL) | BLooper | |
PreferredHandler() const | BLooper | |
PulseRate() const | BWindow | |
Quit() | BWindow | virtual |
QuitRequested() | BWindow | virtual |
RemoveChild(BView *child) | BWindow | |
RemoveCommonFilter(BMessageFilter *filter) | BLooper | virtual |
RemoveFilter(BMessageFilter *filter) | BHandler | virtual |
RemoveFromSubset(BWindow *window) | BWindow | |
RemoveHandler(BHandler *handler) | BLooper | |
RemoveShortcut(uint32 key, uint32 modifiers) | BWindow | |
ResizeBy(float dx, float dy) | BWindow | |
ResizeTo(float width, float height) | BWindow | |
ResizeToPreferred() | BWindow | |
ResolveSpecifier(BMessage *message, int32 index, BMessage *specifier, int32 what, const char *property) | BWindow | virtual |
Run() | BWindow | virtual |
ScreenChanged(BRect screenSize, color_space depth) | BWindow | virtual |
Sem() const | BLooper | |
SendBehind(const BWindow *window) | BWindow | |
SendNotices(uint32 what, const BMessage *notice=NULL) | BHandler | virtual |
SetCommonFilterList(BList *filters) | BLooper | virtual |
SetDecoratorSettings(const BMessage &settings) | BWindow | |
SetDefaultButton(BButton *button) | BWindow | |
SetFeel(window_feel feel) | BWindow | |
SetFilterList(BList *filters) | BHandler | virtual |
SetFlags(uint32) | BWindow | |
SetKeyMenuBar(BMenuBar *bar) | BWindow | |
SetLayout(BLayout *layout) | BWindow | virtual |
SetLook(window_look look) | BWindow | |
SetName(const char *name) | BHandler | |
SetNextHandler(BHandler *handler) | BHandler | virtual |
SetPreferredHandler(BHandler *handler) | BLooper | |
SetPulseRate(bigtime_t rate) | BWindow | |
SetSizeLimits(float minWidth, float maxWidth, float minHeight, float maxHeight) | BWindow | |
SetTitle(const char *title) | BWindow | |
SetType(window_type type) | BWindow | |
SetWindowAlignment(window_alignment mode, int32 h, int32 hOffset=0, int32 width=0, int32 widthOffset=0, int32 v=0, int32 vOffset=0, int32 height=0, int32 heightOffset=0) | BWindow | |
SetWorkspaces(uint32) | BWindow | |
SetZoomLimits(float maxWidth, float maxHeight) | BWindow | |
Show() | BWindow | virtual |
Size() const | BWindow | |
StartWatching(BMessenger target, uint32 what) | BHandler | |
StartWatching(BHandler *observer, uint32 what) | BHandler | |
StartWatchingAll(BMessenger target) | BHandler | |
StartWatchingAll(BHandler *observer) | BHandler | |
StopWatching(BMessenger target, uint32 what) | BHandler | |
StopWatching(BHandler *observer, uint32 what) | BHandler | |
StopWatchingAll(BMessenger target) | BHandler | |
StopWatchingAll(BHandler *observer) | BHandler | |
Sync() const | BWindow | |
Team() const | BLooper | |
Thread() const | BLooper | |
Title() const | BWindow | |
Type() const | BWindow | |
Unlock() | BLooper | |
UnlockLooper() | BHandler | |
UpdateIfNeeded() | BWindow | |
UpdateSizeLimits() | BWindow | |
WindowActivated(bool focus) | BWindow | virtual |
WorkspaceActivated(int32 workspace, bool state) | BWindow | virtual |
Workspaces() const | BWindow | |
WorkspacesChanged(uint32 oldWorkspaces, uint32 newWorkspaces) | BWindow | virtual |
Zoom(BPoint origin, float width, float height) | BWindow | virtual |
Zoom() | BWindow | |
~BArchivable() | BArchivable | virtual |
~BHandler() | BHandler | virtual |
~BLooper() | BLooper | virtual |
~BWindow() | BWindow | virtual |