| BGroupView (BMessage *from) |
| Constructs a BGroupView from an archive message.
| BGroupView (const char *name, orientation orientation=B_HORIZONTAL, float spacing=B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING) |
| Creates a new group view with a name.
| BGroupView (orientation orientation=B_HORIZONTAL, float spacing=B_USE_DEFAULT_SPACING) |
| Creates a new group view.
virtual | ~BGroupView () |
| Destructor.
BGroupLayout * | GroupLayout () const |
| Get a pointer to the underlying BGroupLayout.
virtual status_t | Perform (perform_code d, void *arg) |
| Perform some action. (Internal Method)
virtual void | SetLayout (BLayout *layout) |
| Adopt a given group layout.
| BView (BMessage *archive) |
| Archive constructor.
| BView (BRect frame, const char *name, uint32 resizingMode, uint32 flags) |
| Standard constructor.
| BView (const char *name, uint32 flags, BLayout *layout=NULL) |
| Layout constructor.
virtual | ~BView () |
| Destructor method.
BRect | Bounds () const |
| Returns the view's frame rectangle in the view's coordinate system.
void | Flush () const |
| Flushes the attached window's connection to App Server.
BRect | Frame () const |
| Returns the view's frame rectangle in the parent's coordinate system.
virtual void | GetPreferredSize (float *_width, float *_height) |
| Fill out the preferred width and height of the view into the _width and _height parameters.
virtual status_t | GetSupportedSuites (BMessage *data) |
virtual void | Hide () |
| Hides the view without removing it from the view hierarchy.
bool | IsFocus () const |
| Returns whether or not the view is the window's current focus view.
bool | IsHidden () const |
| Returns whether or not the view is hidden.
bool | IsHidden (const BView *looking_from) const |
| Returns whether or not the view is hidden from the perspective of lookingFrom.
bool | IsPrinting () const |
| Returns whether or not the view is drawing to a printer.
BPoint | LeftTop () const |
| Returns the left top corner point.
virtual status_t | Perform (perform_code code, void *data) |
| Perform some action. (Internal Method)
virtual void | ResizeToPreferred () |
| Resizes the view to its preferred size keeping the position of the left top corner constant.
uint32 | ResizingMode () const |
| Returns the resizing mode flags mask set in the constructor or by SetResizingMode().
virtual BHandler * | ResolveSpecifier (BMessage *message, int32 index, BMessage *specifier, int32 form, const char *property) |
virtual void | SetResizingMode (uint32 mode) |
| Sets the resizing mode of the view according to the mode mask.
void | SetViewCursor (const BCursor *cursor, bool sync=true) |
| Assigns cursor to the view.
virtual void | Show () |
| Shows the view making it visible.
void | Sync () const |
| Synchronizes the attached window's connection to App Server.
BWindow * | Window () const |
| Returns the window the view is attached to.
void | AddChild (BView *child, BView *before=NULL) |
| Adds child to the view hierarchy immediately before before.
bool | AddChild (BLayoutItem *child) |
| Add the child layout item to the view hierarchy.
bool | RemoveChild (BView *child) |
| Removes child from the view hierarchy.
int32 | CountChildren () const |
| Returns the number of child views that this view has.
BView * | ChildAt (int32 index) const |
| Returns a pointer to the child view found at index.
BView * | NextSibling () const |
| Returns a pointer to the next sibling view.
BView * | PreviousSibling () const |
| Returns a pointer to the previous sibling view.
bool | RemoveSelf () |
| Removes the view and all child views from the view hierarchy.
BView * | FindView (const char *name) const |
| Returns the view in the view hierarchy with the specified name.
BView * | Parent () const |
| Returns a pointer to the view's parent.
void | ConvertToScreen (BPoint *point) const |
| Convert point to the screen's coordinate system in place.
BPoint | ConvertToScreen (BPoint point) const |
| Returns point converted to the screen's coordinate system.
void | ConvertFromScreen (BPoint *point) const |
| Convert point from the screen's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system in place.
BPoint | ConvertFromScreen (BPoint point) const |
| Returns point converted from the screen's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system.
void | ConvertToScreen (BRect *rect) const |
| Convert rect to the screen's coordinate system in place.
BRect | ConvertToScreen (BRect rect) const |
| Returns rect converted to the screen's coordinate system.
void | ConvertFromScreen (BRect *rect) const |
| Convert rect from the screen's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system in place.
BRect | ConvertFromScreen (BRect rect) const |
| Returns rect converted from the screen's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system.
void | ConvertToParent (BPoint *point) const |
| Convert point to the parent's coordinate system in place.
BPoint | ConvertToParent (BPoint point) const |
| Returns point converted to the parent's coordinate system.
void | ConvertFromParent (BPoint *point) const |
| Convert point from the parent's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system in place.
BPoint | ConvertFromParent (BPoint point) const |
| Returns point converted from the parent's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system.
void | ConvertToParent (BRect *rect) const |
| Convert rect to the parent's coordinate system in place.
BRect | ConvertToParent (BRect rect) const |
| Returns rect converted to the parent's coordinate system.
void | ConvertFromParent (BRect *rect) const |
| Convert rect from the parent's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system in place.
BRect | ConvertFromParent (BRect rect) const |
| Returns rect converted from the parent's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system.
virtual void | SetFlags (uint32 flags) |
| Sets the view flags to the flags mask.
uint32 | Flags () const |
| Return the view flags set in the constructor or by SetFlags().
void | GetClippingRegion (BRegion *region) const |
| Fill out region with the view's clipping region.
virtual void | ConstrainClippingRegion (BRegion *region) |
| Set the clipping region the region restricting the area that the view can draw in.
void | ClipToPicture (BPicture *picture, BPoint where=B_ORIGIN, bool sync=true) |
| Intersects the current clipping region of the view with the pixels of picture.
void | ClipToInversePicture (BPicture *picture, BPoint where=B_ORIGIN, bool sync=true) |
| Intersects the current clipping region of the view with the pixels outside of picture.
void | ClipToRect (BRect rect) |
| Intersects the current clipping region of the view with the pixels of rect.
void | ClipToInverseRect (BRect rect) |
| Intersects the current clipping region of the view with the pixels outside of rect.
void | ClipToShape (BShape *shape) |
| Intersects the current clipping region of the view with the pixels of shape.
void | ClipToInverseShape (BShape *shape) |
| Intersects the current clipping region of the view with the pixels outside of shape.
virtual void | SetDrawingMode (drawing_mode mode) |
| Sets the drawing mode of the view.
drawing_mode | DrawingMode () const |
| Return the current drawing_mode.
void | SetBlendingMode (source_alpha srcAlpha, alpha_function alphaFunc) |
| Set the blending mode which controls how transparency is used.
void | GetBlendingMode (source_alpha *srcAlpha, alpha_function *alphaFunc) const |
| Fill out srcAlpha and alphaFunc with the alpha mode and alpha function of the view.
virtual void | SetPenSize (float size) |
| Set the pen size to size.
float | PenSize () const |
| Return the current pen size.
bool | HasDefaultColors () const |
| Tests if the view has any colors set.
bool | HasSystemColors () const |
| Tests if the view is using system "panel" colors. B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR for ViewUIColor() B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR for LowUIColor() B_PANEL_TEXT_COLOR for HighUIColor()
void | AdoptParentColors () |
| Attempts to use the colors of any parent view. Will adopt view, low, and high colors. Should be called in AttachedToWindow() or AllAttached().
void | AdoptSystemColors () |
| Instructs view to use standard system "panel" colors. B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR for ViewUIColor() B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR for LowUIColor() B_PANEL_TEXT_COLOR for HighUIColor()
void | AdoptViewColors (BView *view) |
| Attempts to use the colors of a given view. Will adopt view, low, and high colors.
virtual void | SetViewColor (rgb_color color) |
| Set the view color of the view.
void | SetViewColor (uchar red, uchar green, uchar blue, uchar alpha=255) |
| Set the view color of the view.
rgb_color | ViewColor () const |
| Return the current view color.
void | SetViewUIColor (color_which which, float tint=B_NO_TINT) |
| Set the view color of the view to a system constant. The color will update live with user changes.
color_which | ViewUIColor (float *tint=NULL) const |
| Return the current view color constant being used.
virtual void | SetHighColor (rgb_color color) |
| Set the high color of the view.
void | SetHighColor (uchar red, uchar green, uchar blue, uchar alpha=255) |
| Set the high color of the view.
rgb_color | HighColor () const |
| Return the current high color.
void | SetHighUIColor (color_which which, float tint=B_NO_TINT) |
| Set the high color of the view to a system constant. The color will update live with user changes.
color_which | HighUIColor (float *tint=NULL) const |
| Return the current high color constant being used.
virtual void | SetLowColor (rgb_color color) |
| Set the low color of the view.
void | SetLowColor (uchar red, uchar green, uchar blue, uchar alpha=255) |
| Set the low color of the view.
rgb_color | LowColor () const |
| Return the current low color.
void | SetLowUIColor (color_which which, float tint=B_NO_TINT) |
| Set the low color of the view to a system constant. The color will update live with user changes.
color_which | LowUIColor (float *tint=NULL) const |
| Return the current low color constant being used.
void | SetLineMode (cap_mode lineCap, join_mode lineJoin, float miterLimit=B_DEFAULT_MITER_LIMIT) |
| Set line mode to use PostScript-style line cap and join modes.
join_mode | LineJoinMode () const |
| Returns the current line join mode.
cap_mode | LineCapMode () const |
| Returns the current line cap mode.
float | LineMiterLimit () const |
| Returns the miter limit used for B_MITER_JOIN join mode.
void | SetFillRule (int32 rule) |
| Sets the fill rule for the view.
int32 | FillRule () const |
| Return the current fill mode.
void | SetOrigin (BPoint where) |
| Sets the origin in the view's coordinate system.
void | SetOrigin (float x, float y) |
| Sets the origin in the view's coordinate system.
BPoint | Origin () const |
| Returns the origin point in the view's coordinate system.
void | SetTransform (BAffineTransform transform) |
| Sets a BAffineTransform to transform the coordinate system.
BAffineTransform | Transform () const |
| Returns the current BAffineTransform that is applied to the coordinate system.
void | TranslateBy (double x, double y) |
| Translate the current view by coordinates.
void | ScaleBy (double x, double y) |
| Scale the current view by factors x and y.
void | RotateBy (double angleRadians) |
| Rotate the current view by angleRadians.
BAffineTransform | TransformTo (coordinate_space basis) const |
| Return the BAffineTransform to convert from the current drawing space to basis.
void | PushState () |
| Saves the drawing state to the stack.
void | PopState () |
| Restores the drawing state from the stack.
void | MovePenTo (BPoint pt) |
| Move the pen to point in the view's coordinate system.
void | MovePenTo (float x, float y) |
| Move the pen to the point specified by x and y in the view's coordinate system.
void | MovePenBy (float x, float y) |
| Move the pen by x pixels horizontally and y pixels vertically.
BPoint | PenLocation () const |
| Return the current pen location as a BPoint object.
virtual void | SetFont (const BFont *font, uint32 mask=B_FONT_ALL) |
| Set the font of the view.
void | GetFont (BFont *font) const |
| Fill out font with the font set to the view.
void | TruncateString (BString *in_out, uint32 mode, float width) const |
| Truncate string with truncation mode mode so that it is no wider than width set in the view's font.
float | StringWidth (const char *string) const |
| Return the width of string set in the font of the view.
float | StringWidth (const char *string, int32 length) const |
| Return the width of string set in the font of the view up to length characters.
void | GetStringWidths (char *stringArray[], int32 lengthArray[], int32 numStrings, float widthArray[]) const |
| Fill out widths of the strings in stringArray set in the font of the view into widthArray.
void | SetFontSize (float size) |
| Set the size of the view's font to size.
void | ForceFontAliasing (bool enable) |
| Turn anti-aliasing on and off when printing.
void | GetFontHeight (font_height *height) const |
| Fill out the font_height struct with the view font.
void | SetScale (float scale) const |
| Sets the scale of the coordinate system the view uses for drawing.
float | Scale () const |
| Return the current drawing scale.
void | SetViewBitmap (const BBitmap *bitmap, BRect srcRect, BRect dstRect, uint32 followFlags=B_FOLLOW_LEFT_TOP, uint32 options=B_TILE_BITMAP) |
| Sets the background bitmap of the view.
void | SetViewBitmap (const BBitmap *bitmap, uint32 followFlags=B_FOLLOW_LEFT_TOP, uint32 options=B_TILE_BITMAP) |
| Sets the background bitmap of the view.
void | ClearViewBitmap () |
| Clears the background bitmap of the view if it has one.
status_t | SetViewOverlay (const BBitmap *overlay, BRect srcRect, BRect dstRect, rgb_color *colorKey, uint32 followFlags=B_FOLLOW_LEFT_TOP, uint32 options=0) |
| Sets the overlay bitmap of the view.
status_t | SetViewOverlay (const BBitmap *overlay, rgb_color *colorKey, uint32 followFlags=B_FOLLOW_LEFT_TOP, uint32 options=0) |
| Sets the overlay bitmap of the view.
void | ClearViewOverlay () |
| Clears the overlay bitmap of the view if it has one.
void | StrokeLine (BPoint toPoint, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Stroke a line from the current pen location to the point toPoint.
void | StrokeLine (BPoint start, BPoint end, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Stroke a line from point start to point end.
void | BeginLineArray (int32 count) |
| Begin a line array of up to count lines.
void | AddLine (BPoint start, BPoint end, rgb_color color) |
| Add a line to the line array drawn from start to end.
void | EndLineArray () |
| End the line array drawing the lines.
void | StrokePolygon (const BPolygon *polygon, bool closed=true, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Stroke a polygon shape.
void | StrokePolygon (const BPoint *pointArray, int32 numPoints, bool closed=true, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Stroke a polygon shape made up of points specified by pointArray.
void | StrokePolygon (const BPoint *pointArray, int32 numPoints, BRect bounds, bool closed=true, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Stroke a polygon shape made up of points specified by pointArray inscribed by bounds.
void | FillPolygon (const BPolygon *polygon, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Fill a polygon shape.
void | FillPolygon (const BPoint *pointArray, int32 numPoints, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Fill a polygon shape made up of points specified by pointArray.
void | FillPolygon (const BPoint *pointArray, int32 numPoints, BRect bounds, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Fill a polygon shape made up of points specified by pointArray inscribed by bounds.
void | FillPolygon (const BPolygon *polygon, const BGradient &gradient) |
| Fill a polygon shape with the specified gradient pattern.
void | FillPolygon (const BPoint *pointArray, int32 numPoints, const BGradient &gradient) |
| Fill a polygon shape made up of points specified by pointArray with the specified gradient pattern.
void | FillPolygon (const BPoint *pointArray, int32 numPoints, BRect bounds, const BGradient &gradient) |
| Fill a polygon shape made up of points specified by pointArray inscribed by bounds with the specified gradient pattern.
void | StrokeTriangle (BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, BRect bounds, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Stroke the triangle specified by points point1, point2, and point3 and enclosed by bounds.
void | StrokeTriangle (BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Stroke the triangle specified by points point1, point2, and point3.
void | FillTriangle (BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Fill the triangle specified by points point1, point2, and point3.
void | FillTriangle (BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, BRect bounds, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Fill the triangle specified by points point1, point2, and point3 and enclosed by bounds.
void | FillTriangle (BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, const BGradient &gradient) |
| Fill the triangle specified by points point1, point2, and point3 with the specified gradient pattern.
void | FillTriangle (BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, BRect bounds, const BGradient &gradient) |
| Fill the triangle specified by points point1, point2, and point3 and enclosed by bounds with the specified gradient pattern.
void | StrokeRect (BRect rect, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Stroke the rectangle specified by rect.
void | FillRect (BRect rect, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Fill the rectangle specified by rect.
void | FillRect (BRect rect, const BGradient &gradient) |
| Fill the rectangle specified by rect with the specified gradient pattern.
void | FillRegion (BRegion *rectegion, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Fill region.
void | FillRegion (BRegion *rectegion, const BGradient &gradient) |
| Fill region with the specified gradient pattern.
void | InvertRect (BRect rect) |
| Inverts the colors within rect.
void | StrokeRoundRect (BRect rect, float xRadius, float yRadius, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Stroke the rounded rectangle with horizontal radius xRadius and vertical radius yRadius.
void | FillRoundRect (BRect rect, float xRadius, float yRadius, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Fill the rounded rectangle with horizontal radius xRadius and vertical radius yRadius.
void | FillRoundRect (BRect rect, float xRadius, float yRadius, const BGradient &gradient) |
| Fill the rounded rectangle with horizontal radius xRadius and vertical radius yRadius with the specified gradient pattern.
void | StrokeEllipse (BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Stroke the outline of an ellipse starting at center with a horizontal radius of xRadius and a vertical radius of yRadius.
void | StrokeEllipse (BRect rect, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Stroke the outline of an ellipse inscribed within rect.
void | FillEllipse (BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Fill an ellipse starting at center with a horizontal radius of xRadius and a vertical radius of yRadius.
void | FillEllipse (BRect rect, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Fill an ellipse inscribed within rect.
void | FillEllipse (BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, const BGradient &gradient) |
| Fill an ellipse with the specified gradient pattern starting at center with a horizontal radius of xRadius and a vertical radius of yRadius.
void | FillEllipse (BRect rect, const BGradient &gradient) |
| Fill an ellipse with the specified gradient pattern inscribed within rect.
void | StrokeArc (BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, float startAngle, float arcAngle, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Stroke the outline of an arc starting at center with a horizontal radius of xRadius and a vertical radius of yRadius starting at startAngle and drawing arcAngle degrees.
void | StrokeArc (BRect rect, float startAngle, float arcAngle, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Stroke the outline of an arc inscribed within rect starting at startAngle and drawing arcAngle degrees.
void | FillArc (BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, float startAngle, float arcAngle, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Fill an arc starting at center with a horizontal radius of xRadius and a vertical radius of yRadius starting at startAngle and drawing arcAngle degrees.
void | FillArc (BRect rect, float startAngle, float arcAngle, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Fill an arc inscribed within rect starting at startAngle and drawing arcAngle degrees.
void | FillArc (BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, float startAngle, float arcAngle, const BGradient &gradient) |
| Fill an arc with the specified gradient pattern starting at center with a horizontal radius of xRadius and a vertical radius of yRadius starting at startAngle and drawing arcAngle degrees.
void | FillArc (BRect rect, float startAngle, float arcAngle, const BGradient &gradient) |
| Fill an arc with the specified gradient pattern inscribed within rect starting at startAngle and drawing arcAngle degrees.
void | StrokeBezier (BPoint *controlPoints, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Stroke a bezier curve.
void | FillBezier (BPoint *controlPoints, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Fill a bezier curve.
void | FillBezier (BPoint *controlPoints, const BGradient &gradient) |
| Fill a bezier curve.
void | StrokeShape (BShape *shape, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Stroke shape.
void | FillShape (BShape *shape, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH) |
| Fill shape.
void | FillShape (BShape *shape, const BGradient &gradient) |
| Fill shape with the specified gradient pattern.
void | CopyBits (BRect src, BRect dst) |
| Copy the bits from the src rectangle to the dst rectangle in the view's coordinate system.
void | DrawBitmapAsync (const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect, uint32 options) |
| Draws bitmap on the view within viewRect asynchronously. bitmap portion is scaled to fit viewRect.
void | DrawBitmapAsync (const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect) |
| Draws bitmap on the view within viewRect asynchronously. bitmap portion is scaled to fit viewRect.
void | DrawBitmapAsync (const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect viewRect) |
| Draws bitmap on the view within viewRect asynchronously. bitmap is scaled to fit viewRect.
void | DrawBitmapAsync (const BBitmap *aBitmap, BPoint where) |
| Draws bitmap on the view offset by where asynchronously.
void | DrawBitmapAsync (const BBitmap *aBitmap) |
| Draws bitmap on the view asynchronously.
void | DrawBitmap (const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect, uint32 options) |
| Draws bitmap on the view within viewRect. bitmap portion is scaled to fit viewRect.
void | DrawBitmap (const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect) |
| Draws bitmap on the view within viewRect. bitmap portion is scaled to fit viewRect.
void | DrawBitmap (const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect viewRect) |
| Draws bitmap on the view within viewRect. bitmap is scaled to fit viewRect.
void | DrawBitmap (const BBitmap *aBitmap, BPoint where) |
| Draws bitmap on the view offset by where.
void | DrawBitmap (const BBitmap *aBitmap) |
| Draws bitmap on the view.
void | DrawTiledBitmapAsync (const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect viewRect, BPoint phase=B_ORIGIN) |
| Draws bitmap on the view within viewRect asynchronously. If bitmap is smaller, it is cloned to fill remaining space in viewRect.
void | DrawTiledBitmap (const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect viewRect, BPoint phase=B_ORIGIN) |
| Draws bitmap on the view within viewRect. If bitmap is smaller, it is cloned to fill remaining space in viewRect.
void | DrawChar (char aChar) |
| Draws character c onto to the view at the current pen position.
void | DrawChar (char aChar, BPoint location) |
| Draws character c at the specified location in the view.
void | DrawString (const char *string, escapement_delta *delta=NULL) |
| Draw string onto the view at the current pen position.
void | DrawString (const char *string, BPoint location, escapement_delta *delta=NULL) |
| Draw string onto the view at the specified location in the view.
void | DrawString (const char *string, int32 length, escapement_delta *delta=NULL) |
| Draw string up to length characters onto the view at the current pen position.
void | DrawString (const char *string, int32 length, BPoint location, escapement_delta *delta=0L) |
| Draw string up to length characters onto the view at the specified location in the view.
void | DrawString (const char *string, const BPoint *locations, int32 locationCount) |
| Draw string locationCount times at the specified locations.
void | DrawString (const char *string, int32 length, const BPoint *locations, int32 locationCount) |
| Draw string up to length characters locationCount times at the specified locations.
void | Invalidate (BRect invalRect) |
| Sends a message to App Server to redraw the portion of the view specified by invalRect.
void | Invalidate (const BRegion *invalRegion) |
| Sends a message to App Server to redraw the portion of the view specified by region.
void | Invalidate () |
| Sends a message to App Server to redraw the view.
void | DelayedInvalidate (bigtime_t delay) |
| Sends a message to App Server to redraw the entire view after a certain, minimum, delay. Repeated calls to this method may be merged, but the view is guaranteed to be redrawn after the delay given in the first call of this method.
void | DelayedInvalidate (bigtime_t delay, BRect invalRect) |
| Sends a message to App Server to redraw the portion of the view specified by invalRect after a certain, minimum, delay. Repeated calls to this method may be merged, but the invalidated rect is guaranteed to be redrawn after the minimum delay given by the first call of this method.
void | SetDiskMode (char *filename, long offset) |
| Unimplemented.
void | BeginPicture (BPicture *a_picture) |
| Begins sending drawing instructions to picture.
void | AppendToPicture (BPicture *a_picture) |
| Appends drawing instructions to picture without clearing it first.
BPicture * | EndPicture () |
| Ends the drawing instruction recording session and returns the BPicture object passed to BeginPicture() or AppendToPicture().
void | DrawPicture (const BPicture *a_picture) |
| Draws the picture at the view's current pen position.
void | DrawPicture (const BPicture *a_picture, BPoint where) |
| Draws the picture at the location in the view specified by where.
void | DrawPicture (const char *filename, long offset, BPoint where) |
| Draws the picture from the file specified by filename offset by offset bytes at the location in the view specified by where.
void | DrawPictureAsync (const BPicture *a_picture) |
| Draws the picture at the view's current pen position.
void | DrawPictureAsync (const BPicture *a_picture, BPoint where) |
| Draws the picture at the location in the view specified by where.
void | DrawPictureAsync (const char *filename, long offset, BPoint where) |
| Draws the picture from the file specified by filename offset by offset bytes at the location in the view specified by where.
void | BeginLayer (uint8 opacity) |
| Begins a drawing layer.
void | EndLayer () |
| Finish a layer and blend it in with the view.
void | MoveBy (float dh, float dv) |
| Moves the view deltaX pixels horizontally and deltaY pixels vertically in the parent view's coordinate system.
void | MoveTo (BPoint where) |
| Move the view to the location specified by where in the parent view's coordinate system.
void | MoveTo (float x, float y) |
| Move the view to the coordinates specified by x in the horizontal dimension and y in the vertical dimension in the parent view's coordinate system.
void | ResizeBy (float dh, float dv) |
| Resize the view by deltaWidth horizontally and deltaHeight vertically without moving the top left corner of the view.
void | ResizeTo (float width, float height) |
| Resize the view to the specified width and height.
void | ResizeTo (BSize size) |
| Resize the view to the dimension specified by size.
virtual status_t | Archive (BMessage *archive, bool deep=true) const |
| Archives the object into the data message.
virtual status_t | AllUnarchived (const BMessage *archive) |
| Hook method called when all views have been unarchived.
virtual status_t | AllArchived (BMessage *archive) const |
| Hook method called when all views have been archived.
virtual void | AttachedToWindow () |
| Hook method called when the object is attached to a window.
virtual void | AllAttached () |
| Similar to AttachedToWindow() but this method is triggered after all child views have already been attached to a window.
virtual void | DetachedFromWindow () |
| Hook method called when the object is detached from a window.
virtual void | AllDetached () |
| Similar to AttachedToWindow() but this method is triggered after all child views have already been detached from a window.
virtual void | MessageReceived (BMessage *message) |
| Handle message received by the associated looper.
virtual void | Draw (BRect updateRect) |
| Draws the area of the view that intersects updateRect.
virtual void | MouseDown (BPoint where) |
| Hook method called when a mouse button is pressed.
virtual void | MouseUp (BPoint where) |
| Hook method called when a mouse button is released.
virtual void | MouseMoved (BPoint where, uint32 code, const BMessage *dragMessage) |
| Hook method called when the mouse is moved.
virtual void | WindowActivated (bool active) |
| Hook method called when the attached window is activated or deactivated.
virtual void | KeyDown (const char *bytes, int32 numBytes) |
| Hook method called when a keyboard key is pressed.
virtual void | KeyUp (const char *bytes, int32 numBytes) |
| Hook method called when a keyboard key is released.
virtual void | Pulse () |
| Hook method called when the view receives a B_PULSE message.
virtual void | FrameMoved (BPoint newPosition) |
| Hook method called when the view is moved.
virtual void | FrameResized (float newWidth, float newHeight) |
| Hook method called when the view is resized.
virtual void | TargetedByScrollView (BScrollView *scrollView) |
| Hook method called when the view becomes the target of scrollView.
virtual void | DrawAfterChildren (BRect updateRect) |
| Perform any drawing that needs to be done after child view have already been drawn.
void | BeginRectTracking (BRect startRect, uint32 style=B_TRACK_WHOLE_RECT) |
| Displays an outline rectangle on the view and initiates tracking.
void | EndRectTracking () |
| Ends tracking removing the outline rectangle from the view.
void | GetMouse (BPoint *location, uint32 *buttons, bool checkMessageQueue=true) |
| Fills out the cursor location and the current state of the mouse buttons.
void | DragMessage (BMessage *message, BRect dragRect, BHandler *replyTo=NULL) |
| Initiates a drag-and-drop session.
void | DragMessage (BMessage *message, BBitmap *bitmap, BPoint offset, BHandler *replyTo=NULL) |
| Initiates a drag-and-drop session of an image.
void | DragMessage (BMessage *message, BBitmap *bitmap, drawing_mode dragMode, BPoint offset, BHandler *replyTo=NULL) |
| Initiates a drag-and-drop session of an image with drawing_mode set by dragMode.
status_t | SetEventMask (uint32 mask, uint32 options=0) |
| Sets whether or not the view can accept mouse and keyboard events when not in focus.
uint32 | EventMask () |
| Returns the current event mask.
status_t | SetMouseEventMask (uint32 mask, uint32 options=0) |
| Sets whether or not the view can accept mouse and keyboard events when not in focus from within MouseDown() until the following MouseUp() event.
void | ScrollBy (float dh, float dv) |
| Scroll the view by deltaX horizontally and deltaY vertically.
void | ScrollTo (float x, float y) |
| Scroll the view to the point specified by coordinates.
virtual void | ScrollTo (BPoint where) |
| Scroll the view to the point specified by where.
virtual void | MakeFocus (bool focus=true) |
| Makes the view the current focus view of the window or gives up being the window's focus view.
BScrollBar * | ScrollBar (orientation direction) const |
| Returns the BScrollBar object that has the BView set as its target.
virtual BSize | MinSize () |
| Return the minimum size of the view.
virtual BSize | MaxSize () |
| Return the maximum size of the view.
virtual BSize | PreferredSize () |
| Return the preferred size of the view.
virtual BAlignment | LayoutAlignment () |
| Return the current BAlignemnt of the view.
void | SetExplicitMinSize (BSize size) |
| Set this view's min size, to be used by MinSize().
void | SetExplicitMaxSize (BSize size) |
| Set this view's max size, to be used by MaxSize().
void | SetExplicitPreferredSize (BSize size) |
| Set this view's preferred size, to be used by PreferredSize().
void | SetExplicitSize (BSize size) |
| Set this view's size.
void | SetExplicitAlignment (BAlignment alignment) |
| Set this view's alignment, to be used by Alignment().
BSize | ExplicitMinSize () const |
| Returns the explicit minimum size.
BSize | ExplicitMaxSize () const |
| Returns the explicit maximum size.
BSize | ExplicitPreferredSize () const |
| Returns the explicit preferred size.
BAlignment | ExplicitAlignment () const |
| Returns the explicit alignment size.
virtual bool | HasHeightForWidth () |
| Returns whether the layout of the view can calculate a height for a given width.
virtual void | GetHeightForWidth (float width, float *min, float *max, float *preferred) |
| Returns the min, max and preferred height for a given width.
void | InvalidateLayout (bool descendants=false) |
| Invalidate layout.
BLayout * | GetLayout () const |
| Get the layout of the view.
void | EnableLayoutInvalidation () |
| Enable layout invalidation.
void | DisableLayoutInvalidation () |
| Disable layout invalidation.
bool | IsLayoutInvalidationDisabled () |
| Returns whether or not layout invalidation is disabled.
bool | IsLayoutValid () const |
| Returns whether or not the layout is valid.
void | ResetLayoutInvalidation () |
| Service call for BView derived classes re-enabling InvalidateLayout() notifications.
BLayoutContext * | LayoutContext () const |
| Returns the BLayoutContext for this View.
void | Layout (bool force) |
| Layout the view.
void | Relayout () |
| Relayout the view.
void | SetToolTip (const char *text) |
| Set the tool tip of the view to text.
void | SetToolTip (BToolTip *tip) |
| Set the tool tip of the view to the tip object.
BToolTip * | ToolTip () const |
| Return the tool tip set to the view or NULL if not set.
void | ShowToolTip (BToolTip *tip=NULL) |
| Show the tool tip at the current mouse position.
void | HideToolTip () |
| Hide the view's tool tip.
Public Member Functions inherited from BHandler |
| BHandler (const char *name=NULL) |
| Construct a new handler with a name.
virtual | ~BHandler () |
| Free the filters of this handler, as well as the list of observers.
virtual status_t | Perform (perform_code d, void *arg) |
| Perform some action (Internal method defined for binary compatibility purposes).
| BHandler (BMessage *data) |
| Construct a handler from an archived message.
BLooper * | Looper () const |
| Return a pointer to the looper that this handler is associated with.
void | SetName (const char *name) |
| Set or change the name of this handler.
const char * | Name () const |
| Return the name of this handler.
virtual void | SetNextHandler (BHandler *handler) |
| Set the next handler in the chain that the message is passed on to if this handler cannot process it.
BHandler * | NextHandler () const |
| Return the next hander in the chain to which the message is passed on.
virtual void | AddFilter (BMessageFilter *filter) |
| Add filter as a prerequisite to this handler.
virtual bool | RemoveFilter (BMessageFilter *filter) |
| Remove filter from the filter list.
virtual void | SetFilterList (BList *filters) |
| Set the internal list of filters to filters.
BList * | FilterList () |
| Return a pointer to the list of filters.
bool | LockLooper () |
| Lock the looper associated with this handler.
status_t | LockLooperWithTimeout (bigtime_t timeout) |
| Lock the looper associated with this handler, with a time out value.
void | UnlockLooper () |
| Unlock the looper.
status_t | StartWatching (BMessenger target, uint32 what) |
| Subscribe this handler to watch a specific state change of a target.
status_t | StartWatchingAll (BMessenger target) |
| Subscribe this handler to watch a target for all events.
status_t | StopWatching (BMessenger target, uint32 what) |
| Unsubscribe this handler from watching a specific state.
status_t | StopWatchingAll (BMessenger target) |
| Unsubscribe this handler from watching all states.
status_t | StartWatching (BHandler *observer, uint32 what) |
| Subscribe an observer for a specific state change of this handler.
status_t | StartWatchingAll (BHandler *observer) |
| Subscribe an observer for a all state changes.
status_t | StopWatching (BHandler *observer, uint32 what) |
| Unsubscribe an observer from watching a specific state.
status_t | StopWatchingAll (BHandler *observer) |
| Unsubscribe an observer from watching all states.
virtual void | SendNotices (uint32 what, const BMessage *notice=NULL) |
| Emit a state change to the observers.
bool | IsWatched () const |
| Check if there are any observers watching this handler.
| BArchivable () |
| Constructor. Does nothing.
| BArchivable (BMessage *from) |
| Constructor. Does important behind-the-scenes work in the unarchiving process.
virtual | ~BArchivable () |
| Destructor. Does nothing.
virtual status_t | AllArchived (BMessage *archive) const |
| Method relating to the use of BArchiver .
virtual status_t | AllUnarchived (const BMessage *archive) |
| Method relating to the use of BUnarchiver .
virtual status_t | Archive (BMessage *into, bool deep=true) const |
| Archive the object into a BMessage.
virtual status_t | Perform (perform_code d, void *arg) |
| Perform some action (Internal method defined for binary compatibility purposes).