struct | app_info |
| Provides info for a running app. More...
class | BAbstractLayout |
| BLayout subclass providing convenience methods for derived implementations. More...
class | BAffineTransform |
| Undocumented class. More...
class | BAlert |
| The BAlert class defines a modal alert dialog which displays a short message and provides a set of labeled buttons that allow the user to respond. More...
class | BAlignment |
| Undocumented class. More...
class | BAppFileInfo |
| Provides access to the metadata associated with executables, libraries and add-ons. More...
class | BApplication |
| A container object for an application. More...
class | BArchivable |
| Interface for objects that can be archived into a BMessage. More...
class | BArchiver |
| A class that simplifies the archiving of complicated BArchivable hierarchies. More...
class | BAutolock |
| Convenient utility to make parts of your code thread-safe easily. More...
class | BBitmap |
| Access and manipulate digital images commonly known as bitmaps. More...
class | BBitmapStream |
| Provides for the conversion of a Translation Kit bitmap object to a BBitmap. More...
class | BBlockCache |
| A class that creates and maintains a pool of memory blocks. More...
class | BBox |
| A rectangular view with a border and an optional label to group related subviews visually. More...
class | BBuffer |
| A reference to a chunk of memory useful for sharing media data between applications and nodes. More...
class | BBufferedDataIO |
| Undocumented class. More...
class | BBufferIO |
| A buffered adapter for BPositionIO objects. More...
class | BButton |
| A control used to initiate an action. More...
class | BCardLayout |
| The BCardLayout class is a simple BLayout subclass that arranges the items as a stack of cards with only one card being on top and visible to the user. More...
class | BCardView |
| Container view for a stack of alternating child views. More...
class | BCatalog |
| String localization handling. More...
class | BChannelControl |
| BChannelControl is the base class for controls that have several. More...
class | BChannelSlider |
| Undocumented class. More...
class | BCheckBox |
| A user interface element used to make a binary decision. More...
class | BClipboard |
| Used for short-term data storage between documents and applications via copy and paste operations. More...
class | BCollator |
| Class for handling locale-aware collation (sorting) of strings. More...
class | BColorControl |
| BColorControl displays an on-screen color picker. More...
class | BControl |
| BControl is the base class for user-event handling objects. More...
class | BCountry |
| Class representing a country. More...
class | BCursor |
| BCursor describes a view-wide or application-wide cursor. More...
class | BDataIO |
| Abstract interface for objects that provide read and write access to data. More...
class | BDateFormat |
| Formatter for dates. More...
class | BDateTimeFormat |
| Formatter for datetimes. More...
class | BDeskbar |
| Undocumented class. More...
class | BDirectory |
| A directory in the file system. More...
class | BDirectWindow |
| Provides direct access to the video card graphics frame buffer. More...
class | BDragger |
| A view that allows the user drag and drop a target view. More...
class | BDurationFormat |
| Formatter for time intervals. More...
class | BEntry |
| A location in the filesystem. More...
class | BEntryList |
| Interface for iterating through a list of filesystem entries. More...
class | BFile |
| Provides the ability to read and write the data of a file. More...
class | BFileGameSound |
| Playback audio from a sound file on disk. More...
class | BFileInterface |
| A node that can read and write data to a file on disk. More...
class | BFlattenable |
| Interface for classes that can flatten and unflatten themselves to a stream of bytes. More...
class | BFont |
| Represents a typeface including its family, style and size. More...
class | BGameSound |
| BGameSound is the base class used in the other sound classes in the kit. More...
class | BGridLayout |
| The BGridLayout class a BLayout subclass that arranges the items it holds in a grid. More...
class | BGridLayoutBuilder |
| Deprecated helper class that helps building a BGridLayout. More...
class | BGridView |
| Container view for a collection of views organized in a grid. More...
class | BGroupLayout |
| The BGroupLayout class is a simple BLayout subclass that arranges the items it holds within a vertical or horizontal box. More...
class | BGroupLayoutBuilder |
| Deprecated helper class that helps building a BGroupLayout. More...
class | BGroupView |
| Container view for a collection of views organized in a horizontal or vertical row. More...
class | BHandler |
| Handles messages that are passed on by a BLooper. More...
class | BIconUtils |
| The BIconUtils class provide utility methods for managing and drawing vector icons. More...
class | BInputDevice |
| Undocumented class. More...
class | BInvoker |
| An object that can be "invoked" to send a message to a BHandler. More...
class | BKey |
| Class that represents a generic key for or from the Haiku key store. More...
class | BKeyStore |
| The BKeyStore lets you query, retrieve and store keys in the system's key store. More...
class | BLayout |
| The BLayout class provides an interface, and some basic implementation to manage the positioning and sizing of BLayoutItem s. More...
class | BLayoutItem |
| Abstract class representing things that are positionable and resizable by objects of the BLayout class. More...
class | BList |
| An ordered container that is designed to hold generic void* objects. More...
class | BListItem |
| A list item, a member of a BListView or BOutlineListView. More...
class | BListView |
| Displays a list of items that the user can select and invoke. More...
class | BLocale |
| Class for representing a locale and its settings. More...
class | BLocaleRoster |
| Main class for accessing the Locale Kit data. More...
class | BLocker |
| Semaphore-type class for thread safety. More...
class | BLooper |
| Receive and process messages in a separate thread. More...
class | BMallocIO |
| A BPositionIO derived class that creates a memory buffer. More...
class | BMemoryIO |
| A BPositionIO derived class that works on memory buffers. More...
class | BMenu |
| Displays a list of menu items including additional menus arranged hierarchically. More...
class | BMenuBar |
| A window's root menu. More...
class | BMenuField |
| A labeled pop-up menu. More...
class | BMenuItem |
| Display item for the BMenu class. More...
class | BMessage |
| A container that can be send and received using the Haiku messaging subsystem. More...
class | BMessageFilter |
| Describes a message filter for BLooper and BHandler. More...
class | BMessageQueue |
| A container that maintains a queue of messages. More...
class | BMessageRunner |
| Provides a mechanism for sending one or more messages to a messenger at a specified interval and receive reply messages. More...
class | BMessenger |
| A class to send messages to a target BLooper or BHandler. More...
class | BMimeType |
| A class that represents a MIME (Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions) type string. More...
class | BNode |
| A BNode represents a chunk of data in the filesystem. More...
class | BNodeInfo |
| Provides access to file type meta data on a node. More...
class | BNotification |
| Construct system-default notifications to be displayed to the user. More...
class | BNumberFormat |
| Formatter for numbers and monetary values. More...
class | BObjectList< T, Owning > |
| BObjectList is a wrapper around BList that adds type safety, optional object ownership, search, and insert operations. More...
class | BOptionControl |
| Undocumented class. More...
class | BOptionPopUp |
| A BMenuField based BControl implementation. More...
class | BOutlineListView |
| Expands upon BListView to display a hierarchical list of items. More...
class | BPasswordKey |
| Class that represents a password for or from the Haiku key store. More...
class | BPath |
| A class representing a file system path. More...
class | BPathFinder |
| Helper class to retrieve paths in the file system layout. More...
class | BPicture |
| Records a series of drawing instructions that can be "replayed" later. More...
class | BPictureButton |
| A button draw with a BPicture image instead of a text label. More...
class | BPoint |
| A point on a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. More...
class | BPolygon |
| A closed, many-sided figure which defines an area in a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. More...
class | BPopUpMenu |
| Displays a pop-up menu. More...
class | BPositionIO |
| Abstract interface that provides advanced read, write and seek access to data. More...
class | BPropertyInfo |
| Class used to manage scripting. More...
class | BQuery |
| Provides an interface for creating file system queries and implements BEntryList methods for iterating through the results. More...
class | BRadioButton |
| A user interface control used to select between a set of mutually exclusive options. More...
class | BRect |
| Defines a rectangular area aligned along pixel dimensions. More...
class | BReference< Type > |
| A reference to a BReferenceable object. More...
class | BReferenceable |
| Implementation of reference-counted memory management. More...
class | BRegion |
| An area composed of rectangles. More...
class | BResources |
| Provides an interface for accessing and manipulating file resources. More...
class | BRoster |
| The BRoster class lets you launch apps and keeps track of apps that are running. More...
class | BScreen |
| The BScreen class provides methods to retrieve and change display settings. More...
class | BScrollBar |
| User interface element used to scroll a target view vertically or horizontally. More...
class | BScrollView |
| A convenience class used to add scrolling to a target view. More...
class | BSeparatorItem |
| Display separator item for BMenu class. More...
class | BSeparatorView |
| Undocumented class. More...
class | BShape |
| Encapsulates a Postscript-style "path". More...
class | BShapeIterator |
| Allows you to iterate through BShape operations. More...
class | BShelf |
| A container attached to a BView that accepts BDragger objects (replicants). More...
class | BSize |
| A two-dimensional size. More...
class | BSpaceLayoutItem |
| An empty layout item that expands into empty space based on its size configuration. More...
class | BSplitLayoutBuilder |
| Deprecated helper class that helps building a BSplitView. More...
class | BSplitView |
| A container with two or more sections, with dividers in between, so that a user can manipulate the size of the sections by dragging a slider. More...
class | BStackOrHeapArray< Type, StackSize > |
| Undocumented class. More...
class | BStatable |
| Pure abstract class that provides a wrapper interface to the POSIX® stat() function. More...
class | BStatusBar |
| Undocumented class. More...
class | BStopWatch |
| A simple class used to time events like a stop watch. More...
class | BString |
| String class supporting common string operations. More...
class | BStringItem |
| A list item of a text string used as a member of a BListView or BOutlineListView. More...
class | BStringList |
| Undocumented class. More...
class | BStringView |
| Draws a non-editable single-line text string, most commonly used as a label. More...
class | BSymLink |
| Provides an interface for creating, manipulating, and accessing the contents of symbolic links. More...
class | BTab |
| A tab that goes in a BTabView. More...
class | BTabView |
| A container for BTab objects to display all tabs. More...
class | BTextControl |
| Displays a labeled text view control. More...
class | BTextView |
| Displays and manipulates styled text. More...
class | BTimeFormat |
| Formatter for times. More...
class | BTimeZone |
| Defines the time zone API which specifies a time zone, allows you to display it to the user, and converts between GMT and local time. More...
class | BTwoDimensionalLayout |
| Abstract BLayout subclass arranging items within rows and columns. More...
struct | buffer_clone_info |
| A struct that stores where in memory a BBuffer object is in memory as well as the buffer flags. More...
class | BUnarchiver |
| A class that simplifies the unarchiving of complicated BArchivable hierarchies. More...
class | BUnicodeChar |
| Management of all information about characters. More...
class | BUrl |
| Represents and manipulates an URL (Uniform Resource Locator). More...
class | BView |
| View base class. More...
class | BVolume |
| Provides an interface for querying information about a volume. More...
class | BVolumeRoster |
| Provides an interface for iterating through available volumes and watching for mounting/unmounting. More...
class | BWindow |
| Window base class. More...
class | BLayoutBuilder::Cards< ParentBuilder > |
| BLayoutBuilder::Base subclass for building BCardLayouts. More...
struct | direct_buffer_info |
struct | edge_info |
| The distance that a character outline is inset from its escapement boundaries. More...
struct | entry_ref |
| A filesystem entry represented as a name in a concrete directory. More...
struct | escapement_delta |
| A struct that allows you to specify extra horizontal space to surround each character with. More...
struct | font_cache_info |
| Font cache parameters. More...
struct | font_height |
| The amount of vertical space surrounding a character. More...
class | GameProducer |
| A MediaKit producer node which mixes sound from the GameKit and sends them to the audio mixer. More...
class | BLayoutBuilder::Grid< ParentBuilder > |
| BLayoutBuilder::Base subclass for building BGridLayouts. More...
class | BLayoutBuilder::Group< ParentBuilder > |
| BLayoutBuilder::Base subclass for building BGroupLayouts. More...
struct | menu_info |
| Information about a menu such as font size and family, background color, and flags. More...
struct | node_ref |
| Reference structure to a particular vnode on a device. More...
struct | pattern |
| A pattern to use when drawing. More...
struct | property_info |
| Property info struct containing lists of commands and specifiers. More...
struct | rgb_color |
| Structure representing a 32 bit RGBA color. More...
class | BLayoutBuilder::Split< ParentBuilder > |
| BLayoutBuilder::Base subclass for building BSplitViews. More...
struct | text_run |
| text run struct More...
struct | text_run_array |
| text run array struct More...
struct | tuned_font_info |
| Tuning information of fonts used to make it look better when displayed on-screen. More...
class | unicode_block |
| Describes the blocks of Unicode characters supported by a font. More...
struct | usb_configuration_info |
| Container for a specific configuration descriptor of a device. More...
struct | usb_endpoint_info |
| Container for endpoint descriptors and their Haiku USB stack identifiers. More...
struct | usb_interface_info |
| Container for interface descriptors and their Haiku USB stack identifiers. More...
struct | usb_interface_list |
| List of interfaces available to a configuration. More...
struct | usb_iso_packet_descriptor |
| The descriptor for data packets of isochronous transfers. More...
struct | usb_module_info |
| Interface for drivers to interact with Haiku's USB stack. More...
struct | usb_notify_hooks |
| Hooks that the USB stack can callback in case of events. More...
struct | usb_support_descriptor |
| Description of device descriptor that the driver can handle. More...