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Files | Classes | Functions


file  Alert.h
 BAlert class definition and support enums.
file  AppFileInfo.h
 Provides the BAppFileInfo class.
file  Application.h
 Provides the BApplication class.
file  Architecture.h
 Provides functions for getting the primary and secondary architectures of the system.
file  Archivable.h
 Provides the BArchivable interface and declares the BArchiver and BUnarchiver classes.
file  Autolock.h
 Implements a handy locking utility.
file  Beep.h
 Functions to generate sounds from the computer.
file  Bitmap.h
 Defines the BBitmap class and global operators and functions for handling bitmaps.
file  BitmapStream.h
 BBitmapStream class definition.
file  BlockCache.h
 Implements a mechanism to store and retrieve memory blocks.
file  Box.h
 Defines the BBox class.
file  Buffer.h
 Defines the buffer_clone_info struct and BBuffer class.
file  BufferedDataIO.h
 Undocumented file.
file  BufferIO.h
 Provides the BBufferIO class.
file  Button.h
 Describes the BButton class.
file  Catalog.h
 Provides the BCatalog class.
file  CheckBox.h
 Defines the BCheckBox class.
file  Clipboard.h
 Provides the BClipboard class.
file  Collator.h
 Provides the BCollator class.
file  ColorControl.h
 BColorControl class definition and support enums.
file  Control.h
 BControl class definition and support enums.
file  Country.h
 BCountry class definition.
file  Cursor.h
 Provides the BCursor class.
file  DataIO.h
 Defines abstract BDataIO and BPositionIO and the derived BMallocIO and BMemoryIO classes.
file  DateFormat.h
 Contains BDateFormat class, a date formatter and parser.
file  DateTimeFormat.h
 Contains BDateTimeFormat class, a datetime formatter and parser.
file  Directory.h
 Provides the BDirectory class.
file  DirectWindow.h
 Provides the BDirectWindow class.
file  Dragger.h
 Provides the BDragger class.
file  DurationFormat.h
 Contains BDurationFormat class, a time interval formatter and parser.
file  Entry.h
 Provides the BEntry class and entry_ref implementations.
file  EntryList.h
 Defines the BEntryList class.
file  File.h
 Provides the BFile class.
file  FileGameSound.h
 Provides the BFileGameSound class.
file  FileInterface.h
 Provides BFileInterface abstract class.
file  Flattenable.h
 Provides the BFlattenable interface.
file  Font.h
 BFont class definition, unicode_block class definition, and font-related struct and enum definitions.
file  fs_interface.h
 Provides an interface for file system modules.
file  GameProducer.h
 Provides the GameProducer class.
file  GameSound.h
 Provides the BGameSound base class.
file  GraphicsDefs.h
 Graphics-related functions and variables used by the Interface Kit.
file  GridLayout.h
 Provides the BGridLayout class.
file  GridLayoutBuilder.h
 Provides deprecated GridLayoutBuilder class.
file  GroupLayout.h
 Describes the BGroupLayout class.
file  GroupLayoutBuilder.h
 Provides deprecated GroupLayoutBuilder class.
file  Handler.h
 Provides the BHandler class.
file  IconUtils.h
 Vector icon handling utility class.
file  InterfaceDefs.h
 Defines standard interface definitions for controls.
file  Invoker.h
 Provides the BInvoker class.
file  Key.h
 Provides BKey and BPasswordKey classes, as well as BKeyPurpose and BKeyType enums.
file  KeyStore.h
 Provides BKeyStore class.
file  Layout.h
 Defines the BLayout class.
file  LayoutBuilder.h
 Defines the BLayoutBuilder templates.
file  LayoutItem.h
 Describes the BLayoutItem class.
file  List.h
 Defines the BList class.
file  ListItem.h
 ListItem class definition.
file  ListView.h
 ListView class definition.
file  Locale.h
 Provides the BLocale class, the base class of the Locale Kit.
file  LocaleRoster.h
 Provides the BLocaleRoster class to access locale data.
file  Locker.h
 Provides locking class BLocker.
file  Looper.h
 Provides the BLooper class.
file  Menu.h
 BMenu class definition and support structures.
file  MenuBar.h
 BMenuBar class definition and support structures.
file  MenuField.h
 BMenuField class definition and support structures.
file  MenuItem.h
 BMenuItem class definition.
file  Message.h
 Provides the BMessage class.
file  MessageFilter.h
 Provides BMessageFilter class.
file  MessageQueue.h
 Provides the BMessageQueue class.
file  MessageRunner.h
 Provides the BMessageRunner class.
file  Messenger.h
 Provides the BMessenger class and some BMessenger operator functions.
file  Mime.h
 Provides C and Haiku-only C++ MIME-type handling functions.
file  MimeType.h
 Provides the BMimeType class.
file  Node.h
 Provides the BNode class and node_ref struct.
file  NodeInfo.h
 Provides the BNodeInfo class.
file  NodeMonitor.h
 Provides functions and constants for monitoring changes to a node.
file  Notification.h
 Provides BNotification class and the notification_type enum.
file  NumberFormat.h
 Contains BNumberFormat class, a number formatter and parser.
file  ObjectList.h
 Defines the BObjectList class.
file  OptionPopUp.h
 BOptionPopUp class definition.
file  OutlineListView.h
 Provides the BOutlineListView class.
file  Path.h
 Provides the BPath class.
file  PathFinder.h
 Provides the BPathFinder class interface.
file  Picture.h
 BPicture class definition.
file  PictureButton.h
 BPictureButton class definition and support structures.
file  Point.h
 BPoint class definition.
file  Polygon.h
 BPolygon class definition.
file  PopUpMenu.h
 BPopUpMenu class definition and support structures.
file  PropertyInfo.h
 Provides the BPropertyInfo class and support structures.
file  Query.h
 Provides the BQuery class.
file  RadioButton.h
 BRadioButton class definition.
file  Rect.h
 BRect class definition.
file  Referenceable.h
 Provides the BReferenceable interface and declares the BReferenceable and BReference classes.
file  Region.h
 BRegion class definition.
file  Resources.h
 Provides the BResources class.
file  Roster.h
 Provides the app_info struct, the BRoster class and the be_roster global.
file  Screen.h
 Defines the BScreen class and support structures.
file  ScrollBar.h
 BScrollBar class definition.
file  ScrollView.h
 BScrollView class definition.
file  SeparatorItem.h
 BSeparatorItem class definition.
file  Shape.h
 BShape and BShapeIterator class definitions.
file  Shelf.h
 BShelf class definition.
file  Size.h
 BSize class definition and related enum definition.
file  SplitLayoutBuilder.h
 Provides deprecated SplitLayoutBuilder class.
file  SplitView.h
 Provides the BSplitView class.
file  Statable.h
 Provides the BStatable abstract class.
file  StopWatch.h
 Provides the BStopWatch class.
file  String.h
 Defines the BString class and global operators and functions for handling strings.
file  StringItem.h
 BStringItem class definition.
file  StringView.h
 BStringView class definition.
file  SupportDefs.h
 Defines basic types and definitions for the Haiku API.
file  TabView.h
 Provides the BTab and BTabView classes.
file  TextControl.h
 Provides the BTextControl class.
file  TextView.h
 Provides the BTextView class and associated structs.
file  TimeFormat.h
 Contains BTimeFormat class, a time formatter and parser.
file  TimeZone.h
 Provides the BTimeZone class.
file  TLS.h
 Functions to use Thread Local Storage.
file  TwoDimensionalLayout.h
 Defines the BTwoDimensionalLayout class.
file  TypeConstants.h
 Represents type codes that are used by parts of the Haiku API.
file  UnicodeChar.h
 Provides the BUnicodeChar class.
file  Url.h
 Provides the BUrl class.
file  USB3.h
 Interface for the USB module.
file  USB_spec.h
 General definitions as defined by the USB standard.
file  View.h
 BView class definition and support data structures.
file  Volume.h
 Provides the BVolume class.
file  VolumeRoster.h
 Provides the BVolumeRoster class.
file  Window.h
 BWindow class definition and support data structures.


struct  app_info
 Provides info for a running app. More...
class  BAbstractLayout
 BLayout subclass providing convenience methods for derived implementations. More...
class  BAffineTransform
 Undocumented class. More...
class  BAlert
 The BAlert class defines a modal alert dialog which displays a short message and provides a set of labeled buttons that allow the user to respond. More...
class  BAlignment
 Undocumented class. More...
class  BAppFileInfo
 Provides access to the metadata associated with executables, libraries and add-ons. More...
class  BApplication
 A container object for an application. More...
class  BArchivable
 Interface for objects that can be archived into a BMessage. More...
class  BArchiver
 A class that simplifies the archiving of complicated BArchivable hierarchies. More...
class  BAutolock
 Convenient utility to make parts of your code thread-safe easily. More...
class  BBitmap
 Access and manipulate digital images commonly known as bitmaps. More...
class  BBitmapStream
 Provides for the conversion of a Translation Kit bitmap object to a BBitmap. More...
class  BBlockCache
 A class that creates and maintains a pool of memory blocks. More...
class  BBox
 A rectangular view with a border and an optional label to group related subviews visually. More...
class  BBuffer
 A reference to a chunk of memory useful for sharing media data between applications and nodes. More...
class  BBufferedDataIO
 Undocumented class. More...
class  BBufferIO
 A buffered adapter for BPositionIO objects. More...
class  BButton
 A control used to initiate an action. More...
class  BCardLayout
 The BCardLayout class is a simple BLayout subclass that arranges the items as a stack of cards with only one card being on top and visible to the user. More...
class  BCardView
 Container view for a stack of alternating child views. More...
class  BCatalog
 String localization handling. More...
class  BChannelControl
 BChannelControl is the base class for controls that have several. More...
class  BChannelSlider
 Undocumented class. More...
class  BCheckBox
 A user interface element used to make a binary decision. More...
class  BClipboard
 Used for short-term data storage between documents and applications via copy and paste operations. More...
class  BCollator
 Class for handling locale-aware collation (sorting) of strings. More...
class  BColorControl
 BColorControl displays an on-screen color picker. More...
class  BControl
 BControl is the base class for user-event handling objects. More...
class  BCountry
 Class representing a country. More...
class  BCursor
 BCursor describes a view-wide or application-wide cursor. More...
class  BDataIO
 Abstract interface for objects that provide read and write access to data. More...
class  BDateFormat
 Formatter for dates. More...
class  BDateTimeFormat
 Formatter for datetimes. More...
class  BDeskbar
 Undocumented class. More...
class  BDirectory
 A directory in the file system. More...
class  BDirectWindow
 Provides direct access to the video card graphics frame buffer. More...
class  BDragger
 A view that allows the user drag and drop a target view. More...
class  BDurationFormat
 Formatter for time intervals. More...
class  BEntry
 A location in the filesystem. More...
class  BEntryList
 Interface for iterating through a list of filesystem entries. More...
class  BFile
 Provides the ability to read and write the data of a file. More...
class  BFileGameSound
 Playback audio from a sound file on disk. More...
class  BFileInterface
 A node that can read and write data to a file on disk. More...
class  BFlattenable
 Interface for classes that can flatten and unflatten themselves to a stream of bytes. More...
class  BFont
 Represents a typeface including its family, style and size. More...
class  BGameSound
 BGameSound is the base class used in the other sound classes in the kit. More...
class  BGridLayout
 The BGridLayout class a BLayout subclass that arranges the items it holds in a grid. More...
class  BGridLayoutBuilder
 Deprecated helper class that helps building a BGridLayout. More...
class  BGridView
 Container view for a collection of views organized in a grid. More...
class  BGroupLayout
 The BGroupLayout class is a simple BLayout subclass that arranges the items it holds within a vertical or horizontal box. More...
class  BGroupLayoutBuilder
 Deprecated helper class that helps building a BGroupLayout. More...
class  BGroupView
 Container view for a collection of views organized in a horizontal or vertical row. More...
class  BHandler
 Handles messages that are passed on by a BLooper. More...
class  BIconUtils
 The BIconUtils class provide utility methods for managing and drawing vector icons. More...
class  BInputDevice
 Undocumented class. More...
class  BInvoker
 An object that can be "invoked" to send a message to a BHandler. More...
class  BKey
 Class that represents a generic key for or from the Haiku key store. More...
class  BKeyStore
 The BKeyStore lets you query, retrieve and store keys in the system's key store. More...
class  BLayout
 The BLayout class provides an interface, and some basic implementation to manage the positioning and sizing of BLayoutItem s. More...
class  BLayoutItem
 Abstract class representing things that are positionable and resizable by objects of the BLayout class. More...
class  BList
 An ordered container that is designed to hold generic void* objects. More...
class  BListItem
 A list item, a member of a BListView or BOutlineListView. More...
class  BListView
 Displays a list of items that the user can select and invoke. More...
class  BLocale
 Class for representing a locale and its settings. More...
class  BLocaleRoster
 Main class for accessing the Locale Kit data. More...
class  BLocker
 Semaphore-type class for thread safety. More...
class  BLooper
 Receive and process messages in a separate thread. More...
class  BMallocIO
 A BPositionIO derived class that creates a memory buffer. More...
class  BMemoryIO
 A BPositionIO derived class that works on memory buffers. More...
class  BMenu
 Displays a list of menu items including additional menus arranged hierarchically. More...
class  BMenuBar
 A window's root menu. More...
class  BMenuField
 A labeled pop-up menu. More...
class  BMenuItem
 Display item for the BMenu class. More...
class  BMessage
 A container that can be send and received using the Haiku messaging subsystem. More...
class  BMessageFilter
 Describes a message filter for BLooper and BHandler. More...
class  BMessageQueue
 A container that maintains a queue of messages. More...
class  BMessageRunner
 Provides a mechanism for sending one or more messages to a messenger at a specified interval and receive reply messages. More...
class  BMessenger
 A class to send messages to a target BLooper or BHandler. More...
class  BMimeType
 A class that represents a MIME (Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions) type string. More...
class  BNode
 A BNode represents a chunk of data in the filesystem. More...
class  BNodeInfo
 Provides access to file type meta data on a node. More...
class  BNotification
 Construct system-default notifications to be displayed to the user. More...
class  BNumberFormat
 Formatter for numbers and monetary values. More...
class  BObjectList< T, Owning >
 BObjectList is a wrapper around BList that adds type safety, optional object ownership, search, and insert operations. More...
class  BOptionControl
 Undocumented class. More...
class  BOptionPopUp
 A BMenuField based BControl implementation. More...
class  BOutlineListView
 Expands upon BListView to display a hierarchical list of items. More...
class  BPasswordKey
 Class that represents a password for or from the Haiku key store. More...
class  BPath
 A class representing a file system path. More...
class  BPathFinder
 Helper class to retrieve paths in the file system layout. More...
class  BPicture
 Records a series of drawing instructions that can be "replayed" later. More...
class  BPictureButton
 A button draw with a BPicture image instead of a text label. More...
class  BPoint
 A point on a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. More...
class  BPolygon
 A closed, many-sided figure which defines an area in a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. More...
class  BPopUpMenu
 Displays a pop-up menu. More...
class  BPositionIO
 Abstract interface that provides advanced read, write and seek access to data. More...
class  BPropertyInfo
 Class used to manage scripting. More...
class  BQuery
 Provides an interface for creating file system queries and implements BEntryList methods for iterating through the results. More...
class  BRadioButton
 A user interface control used to select between a set of mutually exclusive options. More...
class  BRect
 Defines a rectangular area aligned along pixel dimensions. More...
class  BReference< Type >
 A reference to a BReferenceable object. More...
class  BReferenceable
 Implementation of reference-counted memory management. More...
class  BRegion
 An area composed of rectangles. More...
class  BResources
 Provides an interface for accessing and manipulating file resources. More...
class  BRoster
 The BRoster class lets you launch apps and keeps track of apps that are running. More...
class  BScreen
 The BScreen class provides methods to retrieve and change display settings. More...
class  BScrollBar
 User interface element used to scroll a target view vertically or horizontally. More...
class  BScrollView
 A convenience class used to add scrolling to a target view. More...
class  BSeparatorItem
 Display separator item for BMenu class. More...
class  BSeparatorView
 Undocumented class. More...
class  BShape
 Encapsulates a Postscript-style "path". More...
class  BShapeIterator
 Allows you to iterate through BShape operations. More...
class  BShelf
 A container attached to a BView that accepts BDragger objects (replicants). More...
class  BSize
 A two-dimensional size. More...
class  BSpaceLayoutItem
 An empty layout item that expands into empty space based on its size configuration. More...
class  BSplitLayoutBuilder
 Deprecated helper class that helps building a BSplitView. More...
class  BSplitView
 A container with two or more sections, with dividers in between, so that a user can manipulate the size of the sections by dragging a slider. More...
class  BStackOrHeapArray< Type, StackSize >
 Undocumented class. More...
class  BStatable
 Pure abstract class that provides a wrapper interface to the POSIX® stat() function. More...
class  BStatusBar
 Undocumented class. More...
class  BStopWatch
 A simple class used to time events like a stop watch. More...
class  BString
 String class supporting common string operations. More...
class  BStringItem
 A list item of a text string used as a member of a BListView or BOutlineListView. More...
class  BStringList
 Undocumented class. More...
class  BStringView
 Draws a non-editable single-line text string, most commonly used as a label. More...
class  BSymLink
 Provides an interface for creating, manipulating, and accessing the contents of symbolic links. More...
class  BTab
 A tab that goes in a BTabView. More...
class  BTabView
 A container for BTab objects to display all tabs. More...
class  BTextControl
 Displays a labeled text view control. More...
class  BTextView
 Displays and manipulates styled text. More...
class  BTimeFormat
 Formatter for times. More...
class  BTimeZone
 Defines the time zone API which specifies a time zone, allows you to display it to the user, and converts between GMT and local time. More...
class  BTwoDimensionalLayout
 Abstract BLayout subclass arranging items within rows and columns. More...
struct  buffer_clone_info
 A struct that stores where in memory a BBuffer object is in memory as well as the buffer flags. More...
class  BUnarchiver
 A class that simplifies the unarchiving of complicated BArchivable hierarchies. More...
class  BUnicodeChar
 Management of all information about characters. More...
class  BUrl
 Represents and manipulates an URL (Uniform Resource Locator). More...
class  BView
 View base class. More...
class  BVolume
 Provides an interface for querying information about a volume. More...
class  BVolumeRoster
 Provides an interface for iterating through available volumes and watching for mounting/unmounting. More...
class  BWindow
 Window base class. More...
class  BLayoutBuilder::Cards< ParentBuilder >
 BLayoutBuilder::Base subclass for building BCardLayouts. More...
struct  direct_buffer_info
struct  edge_info
 The distance that a character outline is inset from its escapement boundaries. More...
struct  entry_ref
 A filesystem entry represented as a name in a concrete directory. More...
struct  escapement_delta
 A struct that allows you to specify extra horizontal space to surround each character with. More...
struct  font_cache_info
 Font cache parameters. More...
struct  font_height
 The amount of vertical space surrounding a character. More...
class  GameProducer
 A MediaKit producer node which mixes sound from the GameKit and sends them to the audio mixer. More...
class  BLayoutBuilder::Grid< ParentBuilder >
 BLayoutBuilder::Base subclass for building BGridLayouts. More...
class  BLayoutBuilder::Group< ParentBuilder >
 BLayoutBuilder::Base subclass for building BGroupLayouts. More...
struct  menu_info
 Information about a menu such as font size and family, background color, and flags. More...
struct  node_ref
 Reference structure to a particular vnode on a device. More...
struct  pattern
 A pattern to use when drawing. More...
struct  property_info
 Property info struct containing lists of commands and specifiers. More...
struct  rgb_color
 Structure representing a 32 bit RGBA color. More...
class  BLayoutBuilder::Split< ParentBuilder >
 BLayoutBuilder::Base subclass for building BSplitViews. More...
struct  text_run
 text run struct More...
struct  text_run_array
 text run array struct More...
struct  tuned_font_info
 Tuning information of fonts used to make it look better when displayed on-screen. More...
class  unicode_block
 Describes the blocks of Unicode characters supported by a font. More...
struct  usb_configuration_info
 Container for a specific configuration descriptor of a device. More...
struct  usb_endpoint_info
 Container for endpoint descriptors and their Haiku USB stack identifiers. More...
struct  usb_interface_info
 Container for interface descriptors and their Haiku USB stack identifiers. More...
struct  usb_interface_list
 List of interfaces available to a configuration. More...
struct  usb_iso_packet_descriptor
 The descriptor for data packets of isochronous transfers. More...
struct  usb_module_info
 Interface for drivers to interact with Haiku's USB stack. More...
struct  usb_notify_hooks
 Hooks that the USB stack can callback in case of events. More...
struct  usb_support_descriptor
 Description of device descriptor that the driver can handle. More...


status_t find_directory (directory_which which, BPath *path, bool createIt=false, BVolume *volume=NULL)
 C++ interface to find_directory.

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ find_directory()

status_t find_directory ( directory_which  which,
BPath path,
bool  createIt = false,
BVolume volume = NULL 

C++ interface to find_directory.

Set path to which on volume.
